Saturday, August 31, 2019
Media Policy Essay
1.1 Paradigms of communications policy Fourie J P (2008:18) defines paradigms of communications policy as consensus among policy makers as far as the basics are concerned on which they will base their developing of a policy. There are three most popular paradigms of communications policy which originated from the most advanced societies of North America and Western Europe. These paradigms can be adopted to explain the advent and development of communications policy in countries such as South Africa. 1.1.1 Emerging communications industry policy Communications policy during this era (pre 1940s) was dominated by telecommunications policy with emphasis on communication technologies that were new at that time in advanced societies of the Western world. Such technologies included telegraphy, telephone and wireless broadcasting. In South Africa, emerging communications industries such as these were considered as public utilities that could not be left in the hands of private communication players. This view, therefore guided the formulation and implementation of most communication policies leading to state monopoly in telecommunication industries. However there is an argument that in South Africa such monopoly was seen as a tool of colonisation as policy formulation was guided by restricting the masses and entrenching the colonisers’ ideology. The Postal Act(1958) and The Broadcasting Act are perfect examples of emerging communications industry policy in South Africa. 1.1.2 Public service media policy After the Second World War in 1945,most governments changed their communications policy focus from a nationalistic and economic perspective to a socio-political emphasis. Independence, democracy and diversity were introduced as communications policy determinants. However this was not the case in most African countries which were still under the control of their colonisers. South Africa was no different. More so during the time of Apartheid . Media policy in South Africa during this period, was shaped by the political and not by social issues of the time. An example is that of the growth of the SABC in the 1960s and 1970s when a lot of radio stations broadcasting in different languages were established. However, public media policy which determined editorial policy of public media during this time, was seen as turning the same public media into the mouth piece of the Nationalist Party (NP).Therefore, one can argue that the public media policy in South Africa during the period of apartheid was not about social or democratic development but was about furthering the ideas of the NP government. Erasmus F (2004) sums up this view by saying, â€Å" another development in the second half of the 1970s was the introduction of television in South Africa after the government had prevented this for a number of years. This medium was also considered to be controlled by government, thereby promoting the NP’s political ideology.†1.1.3 New media policy In this paradigm, the latest of the three, there is a swift move from the old emphasis on political and social perspectives being the determinants of media policy. The third element of economic competition is now a major factor in media policy formulation in the 21st century. Privatisation, innovation and demand have changed the views on public media policy. In South Africa, new media policy is largely responsible for the changes that have occurred in the telecommunications and broadcasting industries since the country attained independence. Telkom’s monopoly was ended by the changes in regulations that allowed new fixed line operators like Neotel to enter the market. The same has happened to the SABC.The monopoly that the national broadcaster enjoyed for a long time ended when policy changes opened up space for new broadcasters like M-net and E-TV. New media policy is driven mostly by demand and economic development rather than by supply and monopolies. 1.2 Freedom of the media Democracy, the freedom of expression and the functions of media in society are three intertwined elements that can hardly be separated. These elements have to co-exist in unison if society is to develop as well as live in peace and harmony. Freedom of speech is a right that is found in a lot of countries’constitutions,South Africa being one such country.However,freedom of expression is not a given. It is a controversial subject that always causes friction between governments and the media. There are a lot of threats to freedom of expression in South Africa and the debates on the need or the lack of it normally hinge on the freedom of the media. Questions are raised as to whether such threats are justified or unwarranted. 1.2.1 The need for freedom of expression Freedom of expression is a right that is enshrined in the constitution of South Africa. This freedom goes hand in hand with the freedom as well as the role of media in society. These elements cannot be separated. In democratic societies like South Africa, the need for freedom of expression cannot be over-emphasised. The media acts as the custodian of society and plays an oversight role when it comes to holding government officials to account. Freedom of expression is a pre-requisite in any democratic society in order to make sure that public officials do not get away with corruption, maladministration and lack of service delivery through silencing or denying space to those that seek to speak out about these social ills. Denying society freedom of expression leads to tension that can boil over into chaos and social unrest. 1.2.2 Threats to it As much as freedom of expression is considered a constitutional right in many democratic countries, including South Africa, this right is always under constant threat from a number of sections of society. The major threat to freedom of expression emanates from the government, with its policies that control the flow of information and regulations that deter the free access to and publication of information. Patriotic media that is under the control and influence of government is also another threat to freedom of expression. In South Africa, the SABC as a national broadcaster, is expected to be non-partisan and impartial. However due to the broadcaster being under the control of the government, there have been a lot of questions asked with regards to its impartiality. Freedom of expression has been supressed in the way in which the SABC executes its editorial policy. Views that are deemed to be in contrast with the current government’s ideology have been prevented from being broadcast on SABC TV and radio platforms. Journalists have sometimes been forced to tore a certain line of ideology and have been prevented from doing their jobs in an objective and impartial manner. An example is that of a journalist on Metro FM, Sakina Kamwendo,who was forced to cancel a discussion on the ANC’s Mangaung Conference on her show by her employers at the SABC as they claimed the show lacked balance and fairness. Julie Reid sums up this point in her article in the Daily Maverick by saying, â€Å"Last year the SABC banned the Big Debate talk show, an excellent current affairs programme that earned a reputation for holding government officials to account on thorny issues like corruption or non-delivery of services†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Hlaudi Motsoeneng, infamous for his insistence on the production of 70% good news remains at his post, continuing the facilitation of the Hlaudification of news†1.2.3 If , how and why such threats can or cannot be motivated The issue of the freedom of expression, especially in the media, and threats to its execution within democratic societies is a contentious one. The discussion around it, is dynamic and never ending. Some sections of society especially those in power, who are normally the ones who seek to monitor and regulate the media, believe that it is necessary not to allow the media to have free reign where the nature and flow of information will go on without any regulation by the government. On the other hand, the media itself, especially private media, is against the idea of strict policies being introduced to regulate the flow of information as this is seen as a direct attack on the freedom ,not just of the media but that of expression as well. However, the media as an industry and platform upon which freedom of speech is manifested, does understand and appreciate that some form of regulation has to take place in order to preserve the validity of the media being the â€Å"fourth estate†and prevent national security threats as well as invasion of privacy. It is in this light that the issues of external and internal regulation come into play. In dealing with arguments that explain why the threats to media freedom cannot be motivated, one has to do so within the context of freedom of expression being a constitutional right.Democraticy as a system is mostly reliant on how society thrives socially, politically and economically. For this to happen, freedom of speech has to be taken as a fundamental element that has to be seriously considered in policy formulation. Stifling freedom of expression through draconian and authoritarian policies and regulations is a recipe that culminates in a failed democracy. For democracy to function, freedom of expression and more so, freedom of the media has to exist.Roelofse (1996:51-53) in Fourie (2008:34) clarifies how freedom of expression enhances developments such as the rise in democracy, religious freedom and economic emancipation through the press that assumes a role of mass medium. It is worth noting that out of the three theories used in studying the role of the media in society, the libertarian theory insists on viewing people as rational beings capable of distinguishing between truth and falsehood and between good and evil (Fourie 2008 : 34).Therefore, the issue of strict policies to regulate the media and stifle freedom of expression are needless and cannot be justified and motivated. As McQuail (1987:89) in Fourie (2008:34) notes in the basic assumptions of the libertarian theory, the media should be free from any external censorship and there should be no force or intimidation to publish anything. The behaviour of the SABC bosses in the Metro FM story can therefore not be justified if this theory is applied because intervening and gagging the talk show was tantamount to denying the public their right to air or listen to different views on the Mangaung conference. In dealing with this contentious matter of media freedom and regulation, it must be noted that the freedom of expression that is incorporated into the freedom of the media, cannot be viwed as an unlimited right. There are responsibilities that go with it.It is at this juncture that the regulation of the media can be motivated and justified. This regulation can emanate from outside media organisations therefore being called external or it can be internal which means the regulation comes from within the media institutions themselves. Fourie (2008:73) explains that in South Africa, media regulation has gradually moved away from being more externally regulated and has shown a more emphasis towards internal regulation. Internal regulation takes place in different ways. It can be through the involvement of gatekeepers, regulators, directorates and boards of media organisations or institutionalised internal regulation by non-governmental as well as professional bodies. Gate keepers and regulators are people or groups of people that decide on the content of particular media and determine which content is relevant and how it is going to be published or broadcast. Fourie (2008:78) refers to internal regulation by gatekeepers and regulators as â€Å"implicit internal regulation†. This regulation occurs through the medium itself. Implicit internal regulation happens when different sections within or sectors involved with the medium influence the publication or broadcasting of information. Such sections include boards of directors of media institutions, editors, advertisers, consumers, journalists, etcetera.These regulators cannot be ignored as they have the power to influence content substantially. A good example is that of acting SABC operations chief and radio group executive who took a decision not to allow a live talk show hosted by Sakina Kamwendo on Metro FM to go ahead.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Futile dreams in Of mice and men Essay
How far do you think Steinbeck presents dreams as futile in of mice and men? Steinbeck presents a lot of dreams as futile in his novel of Mice and Men. All the characters dreams are different in their own personal way but all of their dreams come to be in a different place to where they are at now. They all yearn for something better in their lives. The underlying theme of futile dreams in this novel is expressed throughout Steinbeck’s novel throughout many characters. The main dream in the novel of mice and men is that of George and Lennie living of the â€Å"fatta the lan'†getting their own place, being self-sufficient and not have to work on the ranch. The two of them are best friends and how different they may seem in the novel they both share this common goal; â€Å"Some day we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This shows they have thought about what they want in every little detail and truly believe it will happen. Their ambition, as they put it, is to â€Å"Get the jack together,†purchase a few acres of land and call it their own. They want to be in their own little place where they are not scrutinised by society; to be away for others in the big wide world where it seems Lennie is not supposed to be. George and Lennie are not unique in wanting this dream but unique in the fact that they have each other and can rest on each other through their dream. They want to be in a place with no rules or regulations. This dream is so appealing that Candy and Crooks want to join the dream of owning their own farm. This is because George and Lennie are close to reaching their dream so Candy and Crooks can actually be part of it for once instead of dreaming it; they can create it. This dream of George and Lennie also appeals to them as they can refer to the same things that they want for themselves but have never had the chance to go ahead with or the chance to achieve that goal. However, perhaps this dream only appeals to them because they see it as something that can be reached and will not remain a dream. They want to be able to live out this dream even if it is someone else’s. In section three, a section of narration shows how much they all want this dream; â€Å"They all sat still, all bemused by the beauty of the thing; each mind was popped into the future when this lovely thing should come about.†This quote shows that they all want this dream so much and really believe it will happen as it is no longer a dream as it says ‘when’ it will come about and not ‘if’. Steinbeck presents this dream of Lennie and George as being futile by speaking through Crooks when he says that he’s; â€Å"seen hundreds of men come by road an’ on the ranches, with bindles on their backs an’ that same damn thing in their heads. Hundreds of them. They come, an’ they quit an’ go on; every damn one of em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a god damn one of the get it. Just like Heaven,†by this quote I feel that Crooks has best summed up this dream as futile as he shows he has wised up to the dream and is starting to have second thoughts of joining them in the dream. He is brought back to the present when he figures that Lennie and George are just like the rest of the men that come on the ranch with a ‘little piece of land in his head’ and that their goal is never achieved. He is treating Lennie and George like their stereotype. Candy and Crooks want to join in this dream for different reasons; Crooks does not want to be an outcast anymore and wants to feel accepted in some way, Candy wants to join to have something to take his mind of his dog (his only companion) being killed. Although these are the main reasons Crooks and Candy want to join in these dreams they both come down to one thing. They don’t want to be alone. Unlike Lennie, Curley’s wife wants to experience the world for herself and has already had the opportunity of becoming the next up and coming movie star where she ‘coulda been in the pitchers’ snatched away from her; â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soon’ he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it.†Se is a virtual prisoner in her own home with which she has no power to change her fate. Curley’s wife will never live out this dream as she has dedicated the rest if her life to her husband who is unbeknown to her capabilities. She once had a dream but when she married her entire life changed, and not for the better. Curley’s wife has resigned herself to an unfulfilling marriage. What makes all of these dreams typically futile is that the dreamers wish for unbreakable happiness, for the freedom to follow their own desires. George and Lennie’s dream of owning a farm, which would enable them to look after themselves, and, most important, offer them protection from an unwelcoming world, represents a prototypically ideal life. Their journey, which shows George the impossibility of the dream, sadly proves that the bitter Crooks was right; such freedom, contentment, and safety are not to be found. By killing Lennie, George gets rid of a huge burden and a threat to his own life. He is forced to shoot both his companion, who made him different from the other lonely workers, as well as his own dream and admit that it has gone hopelessly wrong. He has the new burden of hopelessness and loneliness. Slim’s comfort at the end of the novel; â€Å"You hadda George†indicates the sad truth that one has to surrender one’s dreams in order to survive, not the easiest thing to do but something that one has no choice but to do in circumstances. Curley’s wife has already had her dream of being an actress pass her by and now must live a life of no hope. Crooks’ situation hints at a much deeper one than that of the white person in a place where black people are discriminated. Through Crooks, Steinbeck exposes the bitterness, the anger, and the helplessness of the black man who struggles to be recognized as a human being, let alone have a place of his own. Crooks’ hopelessness underlies that of George’s and Lennie’s and Candy’s and Curley’s wife’s. But all share the despair of wanting to change the way they live and attain something better; to have a dream. Even Slim, despite his wisdom and confidence towards this unattainable dream, has nothing to call his own and will remain a migrant worker until his death. Slim differs from the others in the fact that he does not seem to want something outside of what he has, he is not beaten by a dream, and he has not relied on a drea m to fulfill his life and is thankful for what he has. Slim seems to have somehow reached the sad conclusion indicated by the novel that to dream leads to, despair and ineffective, Futile dreams that lead to nothing but disappointment. This book makes you decide, should I be realistic or should I try and make my dreams come true?
Thursday, August 29, 2019
DCQ Sontag Essay
Photography shows us the world, but only the world the photographer creates. According to Sontag, photos show that we understand through a photo in the way we see the picture. Seeing photos can limit our understanding because we only see the picture not whats going on around it. In other words the viewer only sees what’s within the frame. Images allowed us to see situations that occurred; however, it is extremely limited in what the audience can see. I qualify Sontag’s claim that photography limits our understanding of the world because nothing is picture perfect. A picture is just a snapshot or quick image of something distorted. Photography has accomplished the task of manipulation to the point where images do not exhibit the honesty. In general photography is used to trick the audience’s eyes. For example, ads are displayed every day in our lives distorting the honesty portrayed. Long ago when a cigarette commercial came on they had enhanced the color, and edited all the little details that appeals to our emotions, making cigarettes look good. The only problem is cigarette isn’t good for anyone, but the viewers wouldn’t get that message due to the changes the photographers have made. Following this further Sontag infers that nothing that comes from a photo can really be understood. The reason for that is because photography shows everything but context. Photography gives people a small glimpse of reality, but the realities have been manipulated to the photographer’s idealism. However as Sontag pointed out photography takes the gaps in our mental pictures and replaces them. Photograph gives proof and confirms the past, but it does not exhibit the honesty a citizen would have lived through. For example if no pictures were captured during the Holocaust time period, it would be hard for people to believe that all the torturing actually occurred. Images allowed us to get a glimpse of what the Jews went through but the feelings and emotions aren’t the same. One cannot say they truly understand how the Jews felt, without actually experiencing what the Jews did. It takes one to be there to experience the emotions and tears the Jews had as the gas killed them and family. Sontag says understanding can only come from what is shown.. There is much more to life than what meets the eye, and this can be exemplified and proved in many different ways. Pretend that someone knows nothing about the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. A photo is placed in front of Them. They take a look. It appears to be a man dressed in what appears to be in work clothes but the thing that strikes their attention first, the thing that stands out most is that he is upside down. Odd they think. The background behind the man is what looks to be a steel like structure. Maybe if their senses are sharp that day you’ll come to the conclusion that this is an image of a man who decided to end his life by jumping off the top of a tall building while in midair. However, did the photograph show them what was going on around him? The building he jumped off of? A hijacked commercial airlines plane crashed into it leaving the building to go up in flames and ready to collapse with smoke pouring out the windows. Leaving him and at least 1,000 other people trapped on the high floors of the tower. This man, this falling man, was surrounded by absolute chaos, destruction, death, a living hell, but they would never know. He looks so calm, so serene even though he is more than well aware that his life is about to end in a matter of seconds. To the person looking at the photo they only see it as Sontag says they do. Through what they see in the picture, not what is really occurring. To an extent, yes, photography does limit us in the view of the world like Sontag refers to. Pictures are taken by photographers who chose what they wish to express and how they wish life to appear to be. By doing this, reality has changed, becoming manipulated into something that it truly is not. It is now a reality created from the human mind, influenced by its wants, desires and emotions. Photography also fails to give us background, or deeper knowledge about the photo. Pictures lack the emotion experienced by the person taking the picture (how hard it may have been to get the picture the photographer wanted). Yet pictures can sometimes invoke an emotional response (a gruesome death, a spectacular sunset). Pictures lend to a greater understanding of what is happening around the world. When someone sees the faces of others in places they never will travel to, they start to understand the emotion they show. Words sometimes can not do justice to the things you are able to see. Pictures only help the reader better understand his/her meaning of what is actually taking place. Yet, do not be fooled by everything you see today. Technology has taken photography to a new level. Make certain you trust your source first. The old saying â€Å"Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear†no longer rings true. Be skeptical, but keep your eyes and mind open at the same time. Qualifying Sontag, a single photograph of an event, place, time or whatever will only give you a limited perspective of that event, place or whatever. However it does not limit our understanding of something. It simply gives a single viewpoint or snapshot for us to base an overall understanding. Susan Sontag claims in her passage, â€Å"On Photography†, that photography limits our understanding of the world. However, the truth is that photography enhanced our understanding of the world. It allows us to see things that would be otherwise impossible to see. Sontag argues that photography does not allow people to truly understand things and that it does not teach any ethical or political knowledge. The truth is that it deepens our understanding and expands our knowledge of the world around us. Without photography, people would have no idea of what surrounded them and what happened before their time. Photography produces a visual history of the world, thus producing a greater appr eciation for it.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business law - Term Paper Example Both commercial and business laws cover a number of overlapping factors. The Uniform Commercial Code is the main authority that governs commercial dealings. There are also other legal fields that have the nature of business of commercial law transactions, such as banking and Secured Transactions. This paper will seek to summarize a business lawsuit and discuss the legal environment of business and the American law. It will also explore the court procedures, types of courts and alternative dispute decision process. A suit between Poynter Investments Inc et. al. versus Century Builders in South Carolina involved the appellant, Rector, who sold his business to the respondent Poynter Investments in 2007. The parties entered into an ‘Employment and Non-Competition Agreement,’ which contained a four-year phase non-competition clause. It was drafted to prevent Rector from trading within a defined geographic area of 75 miles in any course from the property for the written phase. The agreement was supported by a separate consideration, which required Poynter to employ Rector for twelve months. Rector, however, failed to abide by the terms of the agreement and as a result, Poynter filed a suit. The respondent sued the Appellants in 2008 on allegations of failing to abide by the non-competition terms. The hearing judge granted the respondent a preliminary injunction seeking to enforce the non-competition accord, but formed a ‘Restricted Territory’ that was not present in the earlier agreement.... The management should have initiated a research to identify and evaluate the legal implications that would have followed if they agreed to the terms. The laws pertinent to this case reflected ethical considerations. Before one gets to go into a business agreement, factors such as completing of agreements should be highly considered. The court judge refused to balance the equities before enforcing the incomplete agreement. There are various foundations of decrees relevant in the case. Authorities such as County of Richland v. Simpkins, 348 S.C. 664, 560 S.E.2d 902 (Ct. App. 2002), among many others have been used to give information of previous similar cases. The management can leverage such knowledge to prevent similar instances in the future. A business suit in a court may take longer and be more tedious if it were to be compared to Alternative Dispute Resolutions due to the court procedures. Cases may even take longer in courts if there are appeals as there are quite a number of co urts, including probate, municipal, magistrate court, general sessions, family courts, common pleas and appellate courts, including the Supreme Court. Alternative dispute resolution submits to a wide range of dispute resolution means or method that shares one essential feature. In the past two decades, alternative dispute resolution has turn out to be a major facet of legal practice in the United States. The clients together with their lawyers increasingly look for ways to settle their disparities without going for litigation, and as such, they gradually turn to alternative mechanisms to try to resolve their differences (Stone, 2004, p.1).These mechanisms include: Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism involving parties who get to agree to surrender
Supply Chain Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Supply Chain Management - Case Study Example Sonnie’s Gourmet Sandwich Cafà © is the newest cafà © in the local and the most frequented by working clients with limited time to wait especially now that the cafà © is experiencing an out of door line for customers during the two hours lunch break. In light of this, Sonnie should increase the number of workers in the cafà ©. Apparently, the order fulfillment process seems to take more time as compared to the order placement process. As such, there should be a professional worker who comes around in the line and collects the orders. In a general sense, the prerequisite towards improvement and maintenance of a good supply chain is that Sonnie must be time conscious on her potential clients (Shah 8). The mentioned phone is perceived to be among the busiest in the region with a high number of customers calling in for assistance. However, the staff present have experienced 11- hours working period with two-hours staggering lunch period. Essentially, this company requires an increase in the number of workers who should work in shifts for 24 hours in order to cover for the distinct places such as Nevada, Oregon and California and Washington which have different time zones. Once this is achieved, then the supply chain will automatically increase leading to a wider market for the company (Shah
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Google's creativity tools and innovation management Essay
Google's creativity tools and innovation management - Essay Example As per the new in the market Wolfram Alpha is getting into a partnership with Microsoft; and the other competitor Cuil formed by Ex-employees of Google is also considered a strong competitor of Google. Though Yahoo is also among the competitors of Google, but it might not be so threatening. 1. Six Thinking Hats technique teach the members to distinguish between different kind of thinking and then to relate them with distinct colour (University Of Texas, n.d.). In Google the management understands that Six Thinking Hat often results in great ideals and innovative solution, so they ask their employees to follow this habit (Executive Education Panel, n.d.). Still Microsoft relies more on blue hat think (Fried, 2005). As per Do Bono use of this technique assist the company to be creative (Faulknor, n.d.). 2. Brainstorm is used by the companies for generating alternative and innovative ideas and solutions for prevailing problem (Usability Body of Knowledge, 2005). In Google the brainstorming in applied for determining new products or services which will make the experience of customers better (Chamonix, 2007. p.1-6). None of the competitor of Google practices 80/20 Rule for better brainstorming techniques (Ahmad, 2007). As per the module it results in generation of new ideas. 3. Fishbone Map is a cause-effect analysis tool which is often used by the companies to show interaction in a complex situation or event (Cap Fear community College, n.d.). This comprises of five 5M: Man, Method, Machine, Material and Measurement. This helps the management to analyse the root cause behind any particular problem so it is called â€Å"trouble shooting method†(Abdulla, n.d.). This is a creative tool, which is used by Google quite often, is getting adopted by its other competitors like (Mochal, 2007). As per Ishikawa the companies should use this technique to develop creative solutions for the problem (Watne State University,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Internet business and e commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Internet business and e commerce - Essay Example Some sites appeared to be stark and uninviting while others were warm and welcoming. The online selling world really represents a radical departure from traditional selling methods and although a relatively new selling model for most businesses, it appears as though the online store is the way of the future (Pellet 1996). Companies wishing to harness the power of the internet must be able to target their audience effectively while presenting an attractive, accessible and simple to use online â€Å"storefront†through which products can be market, advertised and sold. Sites which used a variety of color are naturally the ones that people are most drawn to. Some sites appear uninviting and therefore unappealing and the image one presents on a homepage plays an important role in attracting customers. While determining customer preferences may be difficult to gage, some website features are sure to attract customers more so than others. Pop-ups, running advertisements and other distracting features will probably do more to dissuade as opposed to reassure a customer interested in making an online purchase. From a personal perspective, I was drawn to sites in which photos of smiling people present; this made me instantly more comfortable and ready to shop! Sites that appeared to be user friendly and easy to navigate (with readily available hyperlinks to move from one section of the site to another) rated highly on my list and sites that used proper English as well as catchy phrases to attract my attention where also positively received. Sites which I had an immediate aversion to where sites in which the photos appeared to be distorted, they were too â€Å"busy†or if pop-ups immediately distracted my vision. Pop-ups, distracting advertisements, poorly positioned and distorted photographs, as well as unenticing language rank highly as the most distracting aspects
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Information Graphics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Information Graphics - Assignment Example The term â€Å"graphics†is used for representations where the basic goal is art or entertainment; on the other hand the term â€Å"information graphics†is used for graphics with the purpose of visually present information (Wikiviz, 2007). â€Å"Normally, graphics are acknowledged as pictures. These pictures can be practical, cartoonish, places or stylized drawings of people, and objects. The photographs taken with a digital camera or scanned from print photos can also be considered as graphics†(Bear, 2009). â€Å"Graphics attract concentration to the material or direct concentration inside the material. With anticipation making use of the graphics in this mode will enhance the possibility that a viewer will keep in mind the material†(Skaalid, 1999). Visual information has the complicated job of enlightening the imperative spirit of a state of affairs devoid of unnecessary complication. The risk is over generalization will give up insight into the state of affairs. There is an active pressure between simplicity and insight which must be handled to meet the criteria as in excess of graphical data (Soellner, 2009). â€Å"Information graphics or info-graphics expose the hidden information or knowledge, elucidates the multifaceted as well as clarify the information or data that is difficult to understand†(Rajamanickam, 2007). Building visual demonstration of information is not straightforward conversion of what be able to be interpret to what be able to be observed. It involves sorting out the knowledge, data and information setting up associations, actuating outlines as well as instead of them in a way that facilitates a client of that data or information build significant information (Rajamanickam, 2007). In the consideration sparse world of nowadays, info-graphics are used by the communications and media businesses through storm. Since
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Advanced Valuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Advanced Valuation - Essay Example When the tenant doesn't have the right to initiate the process there are other provisions governing the situation. Similarly under the market rent review clauses, a time limit would have been prescribed for activating the rent review process. Though the determining valuer has wide discretionary powers, certain criteria like current market rent, assumption of vacant possession of the property, lease incentives and the willingness of the landlord and tenant should be taken into account by the valuer in the rent review process.At times of falling markets, incentives are granted by the landlords to the tenants including a rent free period or a contribution to the cost of the tenant for making the premises fit. In many commercial leases, the agreements contain clauses to disregard the incentives. However it would be disadvantageous for the tenant to allow the disregard as it will result in review of 'face rent'. Face rent is usually an inflated one because of the incentives being included in there. If incentives are disregarded the review would be based on a "comparison of other 'face rents', again ignoring that they are inflated because of the incentives provided under the other leases used as comparisons." (Mark Sheridan 2006)However, the valuer would be compelled to take into account the initiatives, had the lease deed been drafted efficiently. Such a process would result in a meaningful review of the 'effective rent' as against the unrealistic 'face rentals'. "If incentives originally granted at the commencement of the lease are to be taken into account or disregarded then the lease on such a material issue would include a provision that would express the intentions of the parties" (Peter Dempsey)3 In any case, it must be noted that the rent review provisions have to be interpreted by the determining valuer within the context of the whole lease. In general if the determining the valuer is unable to come to a definite conclusion, the determining valuer should seek independent legal advice or the advice from independent experts on the subject. valuer should take care not to exceed his area of expertise and arrive at decisions against the meaning of the rent review clauses. Wherever there supporting legal opinions the valuer should follow such legal opinions only. Under circumstances where He is not expected to decide on issues that are outside the scope of his core competency. Case Law: Citation: Orti-Tullo& Anor v Sadek & anor 2001 ATC 4688 Judge Bryson J Key Issues: The plaintiffs challenge the determination by a valuer of the current market rental value of commercial premises on the exercise of an option to renew a lease. Facts of the Case: The defendants were carrying on the business of a service station on the land leased to them as lessees for a lease period of five years with an option to renew for a further period of five years. The plaintiffs were the lessors. The lease deed provided for the lease rent under one of the clauses of the deed but with no provision for any annual market review. Though there was no dispute about the extension of the lease period, there was a dispute on the rental value determined by the valuer and the petition was to set aside the valuation thus carried out by the valuer as the valuation did not
Friday, August 23, 2019
Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
Response - Assignment Example Photographers capture the relationship of humans and nature. For instance, it is easy to explain and provide compelling evidence such as the effects of climate change through a photograph. Photography presents new and uncharted environments, and for that reason, a photographer needs adequate preparation for any environment. Evidently, photography goes beyond the concept of a business or a profit-making endeavor. It involves a passion of capturing the moment at the right time and identifying the audience. Through a photograph, humans can predict the next course of action (National Geographic 1). Several photographs have changed human perception towards their activities in the world. A perfect example is the picture that captured vulture standing next to a starving child in Ethiopia started a worldwide campaign on famine that ravaged the country in the 1980s. While other forms of capturing a moment, such as videos, may exaggerate an issue, photography presents an honest representation of the experience. Clearly, photography is life changing and makes people care. It is a powerful means of representation that changes human emotions. Through great photography, one can understand other communities and their time, and create an open-minded society. Happiness and tragedy all define human existence, and it is beneficial if photographers capture such events in an honest manner. Undoubtedly, the National Geographic photographers present an important point on the nature of interrelations in the present society. While the society largely believes that humans do not care about others or the environment, the video confirms that they do actually care. Photographs have a connection to human emotions in a powerful manner that can change the perception of humans to the society. They connect people through a universal language that forces one to care about their
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Information Systems Technolog Essay Example for Free
Information Systems Technolog Essay Information systems technology changes and the well-managed implementation thereof can indeed be such a difficult undertaking for organizations. Though the adaptability of the employees and the management – and oftentimes, the customers as well – largely vary from one industry to another, it does remain that the shift from the old ways to the new ones is not always a welcomed development. The lessons that can be learned from the case of the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB), as cited by the Bert Painter, are as well applicable to other companies that have similarly transformed their information systems into advanced and more efficient ones. One of the advantages afforded by better information systems is increased productivity in the workplace, which usually translates to higher income levels for the company. Not all functions, though, can be reduced to formulas and technical processes – like those of Claims Officers in WCB. But putting aside the tasks that thrive on the personal touch, creativity and imagination, as well as duties that require the exercise of judgment and the use subjective discernment, there will definitely be big changes in the entire organization. Information systems technology changes are commonly sought by management as a way to reduce wastage in terms of company resources and manpower hours, based on the accumulated employee hours devoted to such outmoded routines as sending via fax the same sheets to a number of customers. However, systems upgrading should always go with adequate change management, as cited by Bert Painter. This way, heightened efficiency at work will be achieved without causing any employee to feel displaced and demoted. The complication that goes with replacing the information and network system of a company should not be underestimated. It definitely brings in a lot of equally awkward and uneasy consequences – the necessary trainings for the employees, the shortcomings of the systems and the employees’ reactions thereto, and the removal from the organizational chart of job posts that are hence rendered useless. These issues have to be properly handled. As Prof. Khalifa has written, high-technology solutions usually are not welcomed as positive developments by people who are prone to be adverse to change. Thus, managing change involves leading the people in the organization to overcome the natural inertia that makes change not easy to implement. There are lessons, too, that Bert Painter did not so much dwell on. For one, it must be understood that the setting up of the company’s improved systems by itself will not boost the revenues generated and will not endear the company to its customers. The same improved systems also will not help the company win the loyalty of its employees. Thus, the interrelationships of people within the organization must not tend toward becoming less personal, not even if more and more old routines that used to foster camaraderie among them are becoming obsolete. Furthermore, there are alignment difficulties that will have to be dealt with during the critical learning stage. In the case of WCB, some of them already have taken form. In such a situation, it is important that professional Information Technology (IT) groups with impressive track records be tapped to address the company’s needs throughout the transition phase. It will entail costs to avail of their services, but it will save the company from losing more in terms of adverse consequences of a poorly managed transition. Without a doubt, the successful upgrading of information systems will, in the end, turn out to be the right move. Work Cited Khalifa, Mohamed. Introduction: Evolving Role of IT. Khalifa, Mohamed. Fundamentals of E-Business.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
My Career Goal Essay Example for Free
My Career Goal Essay I always ask myself a question of what I want to be and what goals I am going to achieve four years later. Four years later, it is hoped that I can get the most out of my education, becoming more independent and mature. Four years later, it is hoped that I can be a journalist who contribute as much value as I can to my city. My first career goal is to be a journalist who writes for newspaper. A journalist who sees and tells the truth with honesty. Reporting the news completely. Presenting all sides of viewpoints unbiasedly. Seeking more sources when writing a news so as to be sure of multiple sides are presented. Secondly, helping the public society but the government will become one of my main concern. It is hoped that I can be independent from the government. Keeping a watchful eye on the government and making representation to the government about the unjust policy or measure. Therefore, I can supervise the government as to be sure that they do their work properly. Moreover, bridge the gap between society and real life is also my concern. Passionate on providing the information of the causes of the accident so as to raise the public awareness of the things going on the social issues. Finally, sincerely hope that I can hold on the mission which inspired by principle of freedom, of information, of expression in my career life with all attempt, determination and faith in justice. I always ask myself a question of what I want to be and what goals I am going to achieve four years later. Four years later, it is hoped that I can get the most out of my education, becoming more independent and mature. Four years later, it is hoped that I can be a journalist who contribute as much value as I can to my city. My first career goal is to be a journalist who writes for newspaper. A journalist who sees and tells the truth with honesty. Reporting the news completely. Presenting all sides of viewpoints unbiasedly. Seeking more sources when writing a news so as to be sure of multiple sides are presented. Secondly, helping the public society but the government will become one of my main concern. It is hoped that I can be independent from the government. Keeping a watchful eye on the government and making representation to the government about the unjust policy or measure. Therefore, I can supervise the government as to be sure that they do their work properly. Moreover, bridge the gap between society and real life is also my concern. Passionate on providing the information of the causes of the accident so as to raise the public awareness of the things going on the social issues. Finally, sincerely hope that I can hold on the mission which inspired by principle of freedom, of information, of expression in my career life with all attempt, determination and faith in justice.
Historical Cost Accounting: Criticisms and Alternatives
Historical Cost Accounting: Criticisms and Alternatives Introduction Accounting is a measurement and communication of financial information about economic activities to interested persons. [1] The primary role of accounting is to provide an effective measurement and reporting system which is also accounting information system for decision making. The corporate form of a large business has created separation of business ownership and control. Outsiders of an organization, usually, dont possess first-hand knowledge of the day-to-day running and condition of the business, which makes them dependant, to some extent, on accounting reports for information. Management is considered to be a company insider, who has access to the important information about a company that can affect its stock prices or might influence investors decisions. This creates conflict of interest as company insiders are in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for their personal or corporate benefit. International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) view that investors need information on risk and return; employees are interested in their stability and profitability; lenders are concerned with loans and interest to be paid when due; suppliers and other traders want to know whether owed amount will be paid or not; and customers are interested in continuance of the enterprise. [2] Information is needed by various users to be able to decide when to buy, hold or sell equity of investment; or to access the stewardship or accountability of management. Creditors and suppliers use information to assess security for the amount lent to the enterprise. However, not all users of information have interest or confidence in the information provided by the management. Due to separation of ownership and control; and managements ability of exploiting outsiders for their own benefits, many investors have no interest or confidence in analyzing a companys financial statements. Instead, they rely on market analysis by other specialists about the psychology of the market and its effect on share prices. This report is focused on the historical cost accounting adopted by most of the countries and why, even though has many problems associated with it, have governments accepted this system even with availability of alternative accounting systems. This report details the benefits and criticism of historical cost accounting along with alternatives to historical cost accounting and their criticisms. 2. Historical Cost Accounting The historical cost accounting values an asset for balance sheet purposes at the price paid for the asset at the time of its acquisition. The historical cost accounting is the situation in which accountants record revenue, expenditure and asset acquisition and disposal at historical cost: that is, the actual amounts of money, or moneys worth, received or paid to complete the transaction. Historical cost is based on actual transaction rather than forecasts. There are supporting records for all the figures provided in the financial statements. It is also relevant in making economic decisions, as past data transactions are needed for making future decisions. Another defense of historical cost is that historical cost has been used throughout history as financial statements which use historical cost are found to be useful. Profit is the excess of selling price over historical cost. Profit is a very well accepted concept of measure of performance. It is the difference between revenue and cost that determines on decision to continue a product line or division. Historical Cost Accounting is very much based on this concept of profit and loss. Others, in defense of Historical Cost Accounting argue that historical cost is less subject to manipulation of data than other forms of accounting such as Current Cost. The use of current cost or exit price opens the door to manipulation of these numbers. In other words, how are current costs to be determined and how can accountants determine which value is true and fair? More importantly accountants must guard the integrity of their data against internal modification. Criticisms of Historical Cost Accounting Overtime, criticisms of historical cost accounting have been raised by number of notable scholars, particularly in relation to its inability to provide useful information in times of rising prices. [3] Historical Cost Accounting record all assets at an original cost and continue to use these historic figures throughout the assets life, while time-value of money is completely ignored. Across time these criticisms appear to have been accepted to a certain degree by accounting regulators. In recent years various accounting standards have been released that require the application of fair values when measuring assets. For example AASB 116 gives financial statement preparers a choice between the cost model and the fair value model in measurement of property, plant, and equipment. Financial Instruments (AASB 139), investment properties (AASB 114), and biological assets (AASB141) are required to be valued at fair value as opposed to historical cost. Chambers in 1966 argued that the historical cost accounting information suffers from problems of irrelevance in times of rising prices. It is also questioned whether it is useful to be informed about something that cost a particular amount many years ago whereas its current value might be considerably different. It has been argued that there is a real problem of additivity. [4] The matter at issue is whether it is logical to added together assets acquired at different periods when those assets were acquired with amounts of different purchasing power. Alternatives to Historical Cost Accounting Current Cost Accounting Current Cost Accounting (CCA) attempts to provide more realistic book values by valuing assets at current market buying prices. It takes into account time-value of money and inflation. It is more complex than the traditional accounting, and it has created controversy about what adjustments are appropriate. Unlike Historical Cost Accounting, there is no need for inventory cost flow assumptions such as last-in-first-out and weighted average. The business profit in CCA shows how the entity has gained in financial terms the increase in cost of its resources, which is ignored by historical cost accounting. Differentiating operating profit from holding gains and losses has claimed to enhance the usefulness of information being provided by CCA. Holding gains are different from trading income as they are due to market-wide movements which are beyond the control of the management. [5] Therefore, CCA doesnt rewards managers for profits from holding gains and losses which isnt an actual profit and also gives useful information to investors. Supporters of CCA are convinced that it provides more useful information than conventional accounting but still they do not agree on all issues. There is one group who believe in the financial capital concept in which the holding gains is included in the profit and the other group is those who believe in the physical capital concept. Under physical capital concept, holding gains and losses are not included in the profit and are supported by the theory of optimal resource usage that uses current costs as a measure of input opportunity cost. Criticisms of Current Cost Accounting Measurement errors may have reduced the usefulness of current-cost and replacement-cost data. Replacement-cost valuations of plant and equipment often include the cost of technological advances and often these advances would reduce operating costs below the level reported by historical cost. As a result, when replacement-cost depreciation is substituted for historical-cost depreciation, the cost of doing business includes the high capital cost of the advanced technology as well as the high operating costs of the older technology in use, which creates measurement errors. [6] The supporters of Historical Cost Accounting criticize CCA because it violates the traditional revenue recognition principle by recognizing increases in the value of the assets, both current and non-current, before they are sold. This is irrelevant as changes in market price dont mean anything until the assets are sold. A non-current asset isnt more valuable to a business just because its current cost has increased. Another problem is the subjectivity of determining the amount of the increase in cost. There are some non-current assets that dont have a second-hand market because it was specifically built or made for that business only. So the basis of determining the current cost must be the new asset expected to replace the old one. CCA also involves a mathematical problem of additivity. This is because the figures generated from CCA arent of the same nature because it involves a variety of measurement models. Exit Price Accounting Exit Price Accounting (EPA) also known as Continuously Contemporary Accounting (CoCoA) has been proposed by researchers such as McNeal, Sterling, and especially Raymond Chambers. Its an accounting theory that prescribes that assets should be valued at exit prices and that financial statements should function to inform about an organizations capacity to adapt. [7] Chambers described the entitys capacity to adapt as the cash that could be obtained if the entity sold its assets. Chambers believed that economic survival of the entity depends on the amount of cash it can command and the balance sheet is crucial to these decisions. Chambers used the term current cash equivalents to refer to the amount that was expected to be generated through the orderly sale of assets. He believe that the information about current cash equivalent were fundamental to effective decision making. Chambers stated that the accounting rules used were so different in effect that comparison between companies was often quite misleading. [8] One of the main arguments for EPA is that it provides useful information to the users. They believe that EPA reports all profits and losses and values as determined in competitive markets and provides a true and fair financial statement that serves the purpose of the shareholders. Other arguments that support EPA is the additivity function. EPA values all elements in the balance sheet and income statement at their exit prices, which, therefore, provides one consistent rule that could be applied by all or any company. It involves references to real-world examples because untestable assertions arent made such as depreciation. Criticism of Exit Price Accounting According to Chambers model of CoCoA, if assets cant be sold separately, they are deemed to have absolutely no value for the purpose of determining organizations financial position. This is considered to be too extreme by many accounting practitioners and researchers. Assets such as goodwill and work-in-progress have no selling value therefore will be have no value at all in the financial statements. Other criticisms of CoCoA are that it doesnt consider the value in use. An asset that is held rather than sold out must be worth more to its owner than its exit price, otherwise, it would be sold. In case of specialized resources such as a blast furnace has positive value in use, but cannot be sold separately, for the purpose of CoCoA has no value. [9] Even though proponents of EPA argue for the additivity of exit prices, the concept of current cash equivalent doesnt recognize the possibility of selling assets as one package. Some assets sold as a package are worth more than when sold individually in the market. This concept has been ignored in the exit price accounting. CoCoA has also been criticized on the basis that exit prices are determined by the price that could be achieved in an orderly sale. [10] The sales might be at different times and wont necessarily reflect values at balance date. Therefore, the financial statements based on these values might not be useful for monitoring the companys management. Positive Accounting Theory and Efficient Markets Hypothesis Milton Friedman was the one who strongly supported and backed the positive theories in economics. He stated that the ultimate goal of a positive science is the development of a theory or hypothesis that yields valid and meaningful predictions about phenomena not yet observed. Watts and Zimmerman also stated that the objective of positive accounting theory is to explain and predict accounting practice which was consistent with the views of Friedman. The beginning of positive accounting theory is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH). The EMH is based on the assumption that capital markets react in an efficient and unbiased manner to publicly available information. The main strengths of Positive Accounting Theories over Normative Accounting Theories are the facts that hypothesis are framed in such a way that they are capable of falsification by empirical research. Also, these theories aim to provide an understanding of how the world works rather than stating how the world should work. Moreover, PAT tries to understand the relationship and connection between various accounting information, managers, firms, and markets; and also analyze these relationships within an economic framework. There are several assumptions made in development of positive accounting theory. The first is that the firm is a nexus of contracts. In relation to PAT, because there is a need to be efficient, the firm will want to minimize costs associated with contracts. Contract costs involve accounting variables as contracts can be stipulated in terms of accounting information such as net income, and financial ratios. [11] The firm will choose the accounting policies that best acknowledge the need for minimization of contract costs. PAT recognizes that changing circumstances require managers to have flexibility in choosing accounting policies which brings forward the problem of opportunistic behavior. This occurs when the actions of management are to better their own personal interests. The other assumption is that the managers are rational economic decision makers and will act to maximize their own profit and not the profit of the company. Under PAT, firms want to maximize their prospects for survival, so they organize themselves efficiently. Criticisms of Positive Accounting Theories One of the main criticisms of PAT is that it doesnt provide prescription for accounting and therefore doesnt provide any means of improving accounting practice. [12] This, therefore results in alienation of practicing accountants. It is argued that simply explain and predicting accounting practice is not enough. There is no guidance on what people should do, as there is a general absence of prescription. The other criticisms of PAT relate to the fundamental that all action is driven by a desire to maximize wealth. Many researchers find this statement very negative in nature. They believe that PAT promotes a morally bankrupt view of the world. The concept of positive theory is drawn from an obsolete philosophy of science and is in any case a misnomer, because the theories of empirical science make no positive statement of what is. [13] And also of course, Watts and Zimmerman do say, We do not contend that all issues are settled, but rather encourage others to pursue, correct, and extend our analysis. Conclusion Quite clearly the several limitations and flaws of the traditional historical costs method have been highlighted and picked upon from time to time. Still historical costs are the standard form of accounting due to its unique features and conventions that make it better than most available alternatives. Historical cost accounting has and is still been widely recognized and accepted by corporations across the world. There hasnt been any development of better alternatives to Historical Cost Accounting. The alternative accounting such as current cost accounting and exit price accounting carry more problems in them than historical cost accounting. For examples countries like Unites States and United Kingdom have tried to adopt current cost accounting system but later withdrew as there were many complexities in using current cost accounting. Even if accounting bodies simply pick an existing method to form the standard of accounting, it will definitely not be better than historical cost accounting. However, in my opinion, the current use of historical cost accounting by many firms have been a contributing factor in masking the true and fair value of their assets. As investors are the primary users of financial statements, priority must be given to the needs and wants of the shareholders. Empirical evidences show that investors want both measurements i.e. historical cost and current cost accounting. [14] I believe a process should be created where historical cost and current cost operate side-by-side, which will enhance relevance, reliability, and comparability. Rather than debating between different approaches, focus should be given to implement an accounting system which reports all assets and liabilities at their true value without eliminating the benefits of historical cost accounting.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Using Counselling Skills Essay -- Papers
Using Counselling Skills Before I started I went over a contract and I told Jillian how I was using the content of the session to write an assignment for the course that I am doing at college and that only myself, my course tutor and maybe an outside assessor for the course would see what was written about the session and that she could read the assignment before I showed anyone else. I stated that almost everything that was said to me would be confidential, although working along the B.A.C.P ethical guidelines, confidentiality may have to be broken if it became clear that serious harm may be caused to others or herself. We agreed that this would be a one off session that would last around 30 minutes. I explained a little about Person-Centred counselling to Jillian, I explained that counselling is a way of using a relationship, in this case between myself (acting as the counsellor) to facilitate the development of the Jillian (the client). It works on the assumption that if I am able to offer Jillian a relationship characterised by empathy, acceptance and genuineness, and if Jillian is able to perceive and appreciate these qualities, then she will feel safe enough to disclose hidden aspects of her self which could be upsetting to her. The fact that I can accept these previously hidden parts of Jillian’s self (unconditional positive regard), helps her to accept them too. The counselling took place in Jillian’s home. Jillian stated that she had been thinking of a subject to talk about and had decided that she would like to talk about the relationship she has with Tony a man who she calls her boyfriend but who is married to an... ...hought of me. It’s really helped.†I feel I demonstrated unconditional positive regard (acceptance) by being non-judgemental and warm towards Jillian. Even though I may not have approved of what she was doing I did not allow her behaviours to influence adversely my regard for her. I demonstrated genuineness (congruence) by my general manner towards Jillian. I did not pretend or simulate responses towards Jillian, I feel that I was sincere towards her and that she was able to trust me because of this. I empathised with Jillian and tried to look at her situation from her point of view, hopefully showing an understanding of her feelings and thoughts helping her to focus more clearly on her underlying feelings which in turn allowed her to move forward and make progress. Overall I feel the session went well.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Love in John Donnes A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and Andrew Marv
Love in John Donne's A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress" both talk about love but has different views about it, one talks about physical love and the other talks about spiritual love. John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" compared love to a circle while Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" compared love to a straight line. Both poems are act of persuasions. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" is persuading the reader that true love is eternal while "To His Coy Mistress" the speaker is persuading the mistress to make passionate sex with him. Therefore, with all of these similarities and differences, it's commendable to compare the two works of literature. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" has a subtle theme of religion in itself particularly, Christianity in relation to life after death. The main theme of the poem is true love will continue on, even after death. Lines one through two illustrate the notion of afterlife. "As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go..." Essentially, it implies that we have souls, and souls are the immortal part of men (human beings). John Donne's notion that we have souls and there's life after death are presumably based on his Christian beliefs. Donne was born in England and raised by a prosperous Roman Catholic family. At the age of 42, Donne accepted ordination in the Angelican Church. He, then, became and earned a reputation as one of the greatest preachers (Abcarian and Klotz 1121). Donne was 60 years of age when he wrote the poem; presumably, he was still a preacher at the time. Therefore, his poem can be suggested as... ...ourning." Although the main central theme of the poems were directly opposite of each other, we can relate that physical love and spiritual love has a connection to each other. Physical love can turn to spiritual love or perhaps spiritual love can turn to physical love. At one point or another, we have experienced both physical and spiritual love. On the surface, we can say that spiritual love is a cut above physical love. However, it's hypocritical to say that we do not come into contact with emotions such as desire or lust. Therefore, physical love is at the same level as spiritual love. It is merely difficult to admit that we do experience lust because it is not something to be proud about. Social convention dictates that we should not feel lust. Moreover, lust is one of the seven sins. However, lust is a valid emotion that every one experience once in a while.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Teen Pregnancy :: Teenage Pregnancy
     While many teens that engage in pre-marital sex never become pregnant, some are not as fortunate. Teen pregnancy has become all too common in this day and age. Some teens think it will not happen to them and do not use necessary precautions to protect against it. There are several causes for teen pregnancy and the effects can be life changing.      Several causes for teen pregnancy are: the need for affection, acceptance, and unprotected sex. One may have a poor home life and look for affection from a peer. The simple desire to feel loved by another person may be a cause for an unexpected pregnancy. A teen may have a low self-esteem and simply be looking for acceptance in the bedroom. However, many teens that have a wonderful, affectionate family and are very confidante are merely looking for the few minutes of pleasure and avoid using protection. As several teens use the excuse that sex feels better with out a condom, an unwanted pregnancy is likely to occur.      One major effect of teen pregnancy is that the child may be raised by a single parent. While most girls are looking for love and acceptance in sex, many guys are looking for the mere pleasure and are not planning on becoming a teen father. The pressures of high school and hanging out with friends may be overwhelming for some teens, so they just leave. Raising a child as teen is difficult, but raising a child alone would be almost impossible.      Many teens become overwhelmed with the stresses of high school and raising a baby; therefore, dropping out of school may seem like the best option. Attending school five days a week, studying for classes, and raising a baby would be overwhelming for most teens. One would have to pay for babysitting and many other expenses for the child that a part time job income could not cover. Dropping out of high school to work full time may seem like a great idea at the moment, but the jobs one applies for may be limited because the lack of a high school diploma.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Rational Performance Testing
Hello World: Rational Performance Tester Get to the bottom of application performance issues Skill Level: Intermediate Dennis Schultz (dennis. [email protected] ibm. com) Marketing Engineer IBM 12 Mar 2007 This tutorial in the Hello World series introduces you to IBM ® Rational ® Performance Tester and highlights its basic features. Practical, hands-on exercises teach you how to record automated performance tests, use data-driven techniques to ensure randomization, play-back tests, and evaluate real-time performance reports.Upon completing the tutorial you will be able to use Rational Performance Tester to determine the cause of performance problems in your applications. Section 1. Before you start About this series The Hello World series is for novice developers who want a high-level, hands-on overview of IBM software products. Each tutorial in the series provides simple exercises and step-by-step instructions to familiarize you with the components and use of a particular pro duct. Upon completing a tutorial in the Hello World series you will know enough about the product to begin exploring and using it on your own.About this tutorial This tutorial uses hands-on exercises to familiarize you with Rational Performance Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks Tester. Step-by-step instructions teach you how to record an automated performance test, enhance the test using built-in data-driven techniques, play-back the test as part of a performance schedule, and evaluate real-time reports to determine the root cause of a performance problem. The maximum estimated running time for the tutorial is three hours. ObjectivesAfter completing this tutorial you should understand the basic functions of Rational Performance Tester and be able to use it to discover and analyze performance problems in your applications. Prerequisites This tutorial is for testers new to test automation and unfamiliar with Rational Performance Tester. As you are taking the tutorial, you can practice the steps yourself if you have access to the environment the tutorial requires. If you don't have access to the environment, you can still read the tutorial and view the animated demos. You just won't be able to try the steps for yourself.The easiest way to access the tutorial environment is through the Rational Performance Tester online trial system created for the tutorial. The trial system uses the Citrix Access Platform to provide you with a connection from your workstation to a remote server running Rational Performance Tester, WebSphere Application Server 6. 0, and the sample application to be tested. If you choose to set up the tutorial environment on your own machine, please use the Hello World: Rational Performance Tester (for downloadable trial code) version of this tutorial that is written for this purpose.In order to view the animated demos for the tutorial you must enable JavaScript in your browser and install Macromedia Flash Player 6 or higher. Animated demos If this is your first encounter with a developerWorks tutorial that includes animated demos you might want to know a few things about them: †¢ Demos are an optional way to see the steps described in the tutorial done for you. To view an animated demo, click the given Show me link and the demo will open in a new browser window. †¢ Each demo contains a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.Use the navigation bar to pause, exit, rewind, or fast-forward portions of the demo. Rational Performance Tester Page 2 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® †¢ The demos are 800 x 600 pixels. If this is the maximum resolution of your screen or if your resolution is lower than this then you will have to scroll to see some areas of the demo. †¢ You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser and Macromedia Flash Player 6 or higher installed to view the demos. Section 2. Getting started Overview of Rational Performance TesterIBM Rational Performance Tester, hereafter known as Performance Tester, is a performance test creation, execution, and analysis tool that helps development teams validate the scalability and reliability of their Web-based applications before deployment. Many of Performance Tester's features have been explicitly designed with the novice load tester in mind. Performance Tester allows you to use one of several Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, or Firefox) to test a Web-based application. The results of your interaction are captured and recorded on the operating system of your choice (Windows or Linux).The test is presented in a concise tree-based editor that is capable of exposing underlying details to the expert on an â€Å"as needed†basis. Test scripts are then grouped together in various combinations to reflect the multiple types of user that comprise the projected user population. You can specify the number of simulated system users at execution time. Test execution is accompanied by easy-to-read, real-time reports that update throughout the test run. Bottlenecks based on metrics such as round-trip performance, transaction rates, and system diagnostics are highlighted in these reports.You can also use Performance Tester to further identify the root cause of poor performance problems from the hardware- or software-component level through advanced resource monitoring and response-time tracking. Although this tutorial focuses on testing a J2EE, Web-based application, you can use Performance Tester to test any Web-based application. You can also extend Performance Tester to test the performance of additional application types such as Siebel, SAP, and Citrix (see Resources). Setting up the tutorial environment Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008.All rights reserved. Page 3 of 26 develop erWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks As previously mentioned, the easiest way to access this tutorial is through the online trial system developed using the Citrix Access Platform. The trial system gives you free access to Performance Tester, WebSphere Application Server 6. 0, and the Adventure Builder sample application, and minimizes your installation and configuration time for the tutorial. Once you have registered for the online trial system, installed the Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server, and logged into the server, you are ready to begin.Performance Tester will launch in a Citrix client session and will appear just as if it were running on your local desktop. You can interact with it just as you would if it were installed locally. The countdown clock on the Rational Test Drive Environment Web page will keep track of the time remaining in your session. If you choose to set up the tutorial environment locally you will need to install and configure Rational Performance Tester and WebSphere Application Server 6. 0 in your workstation. Note that the Adventure Builder sample application used by this tutorial is only available with WebSphere Application Server 6. , not 6. 1. You should also allow additional time to create and configure a project in which to store your test artifacts before starting. The tutorial is written from the assumption that you are using the online trial system. Performance Tester and Eclipse Performance Tester is based on the open-source Eclipse platform. Eclipse provides a rich working environment for many tools, both open source and commercial, including many of the offerings of the Rational Software Delivery Platform such as Rational Software Architect, Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, and Rational Functional Tester (see Resources).This provides a common user experience for tooling across the software development life cycle. Not only are these tools all based on Eclipse, but often times they actually share th e same shell. In other words, the capability of each of these tools is presented to the user as a new perspective in the same shell. A perspective is a consolidation of tools and views focused on one particular task. The perspective for Performance Tester is known as the Test perspective. As the name implies, the Test perspective provides views that are needed by a developer or QA professional focused on testing a software application or system.The tutorial workspace and sample projects Assuming you are using the online trial system, Performance Tester will be associated to a pre-configured workspace. A workspace can be any directory location where your work is stored. In your case, this workspace contains two projects. The first project is the Adventure Builder Application. This project contains the source code for the Adventure Builder sample application you will be testing. The application has already been deployed to WebSphere Application Server on the online trial system. The p roject is only in your workspace so that Rational Performance Tester Page 4 of 26 Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® Performance Tester can navigate to the source code later when you are attempting to find the root cause of a performance bottleneck. The second project, Adventure Builder Performance Tests, is the test project you will use to store your tests, datapools, schedules, and results. If you expand the project, you will see several folders used to organize your test assets. You can add, remove, and customize folders as you like. There isn't much to examine in this project yet. You will look more closely at it once you have recorded a test.Figure 1. A Performance Tester workspace viewed in the Test Navigator Section 3. Record a test scenario Performance tests are most often created by recording your manual interactions with the system under test. In this section of the tutorial, you will use the automated HTTP recorder to capture the scenario of interacting with the Adventure Builder sample application to construct a vacation package and purchase it. The Adventure Builder application is already running in the online trial environment. All you need to do is connect to it through a Web browser while the recorder is engaged.Browser support Although you are using Internet Explorer in this tutorial, Performance Tester can work with any Web browser that supports SOCKS proxies. Performance Tester can automatically launch Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Firefox. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show Start the recorder 1. Start the recorder by clicking Create a Test from Recording on the toolbar . This opens the Create New Test From Recording window.Figure 2. The Create New Test From Recording window 2. Select H TTP Recording and click Next. Rational Performance Tester Page 6 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® 3. 4. On the next page of the wizard, select Adventure Builder Performance Tests > Tests as the location to create the file. Enter PurchaseIslandAdventure as the test-file name and click Finish. Figure 3. The Create New Test From Recording window, page 2 5. The recorder is engaged and Internet Explorer is launched to the â€Å"Welcome to Performance Testing†page.Clear the cache of temporary files by selecting Internet Explorer Tools > Internet Options †¦. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Cookies and confirm. Then click Delete Files. Check Delete all offline content and click OK to confirm. Click OK to dismiss the Internet Options window. 6. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWor ks 7. Launch the Adventure Builder application by clicking the Adventure Builder button in the Internet Explorer Links toolbar. Figure 4. Launch the Adventure Builder applicationNavigate the application Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show Now that the recorder is engaged, you will navigate the application just as you normally would. 1. In the left navigation area of the page, click Island Adventures. Figure 5. Island Adventures link 2. Here you see an expanded list of island adventure trips. From the submenu on the Available Adventure Packages page, click Maui Survival Adventure. Figure 6. Maui Survival Adventure link Rational Performance Tester Page 8 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks eveloperWorks ® 3. This page shows you the options available for the package you have chosen. Click Select Package on the right side of the Adventure Package Details page. You are taken to the Packa ge Options page. Here you can personalize your vacation package by changing the number of people, start date, number of days, etc. For now, just accept the defaults by clicking Set Package Options. On the Adventure Package Details page, click I Will Provide My Own Transportation. On the Adventure Package page, click Checkout. Let's keep it simple for now: on the Sign On page, click Sign In as a returning customer.On the Enter Order Details page, scroll to the bottom and click Submit. After a moment, you will be taken to the Checkout page. Here you should see your order ID. Figure 7. The Order ID link on the Checkout page 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks Note that your order ID will be unique and will not be exactly as shown here. Wait for several seconds after the checkout page loads, then check on the status of your order by clicking on the Order ID l ink. 10.Once the Order Tracking Results page loads, close the browser. This will cause Performance Tester to begin generating the test based on the traffic it has captured. Section 4. Review and customize the test Performance Tester generates a test based on the HTTP traffic it captured during the recording. The test is much more than a simple HTTP trace log, however. Behind the scenes, Performance Tester does a lot of processing to create a test that is robust, extensible, and easy to maintain. In this section, you will examine the generated test in greater detail and customize it to use unique data.Examine the test Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show The test is represented in a tree format in the left portion of the Test Editor view. Each top-level node in the tree represents a Web page visited during your recording session. The name of the node is based on the name of the Web page. Figure 8. The Test Contents tree view Rational Performan ce Tester Page 10 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® 1. Expand the Welcome to the Adventure Builder Reference application node.Here is where the advanced performance test engineer can see all the details of the transactions behind the page. The first element is highlighted in blue to indicate that it is the primary request  the request for the page HTML contents. Figure 9. The expanded page in the Test Contents tree view 2. Click on the Protocol Data view in the bottom portion of the window, then Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks click on the primary request highlighted in blue in the tree.The details of the request and its corresponding response are shown in the Request, Response Headers, and Response Content tabs of the Protocol Data view. The Browser tab even renders the contents of the selected element. Figure 10. The Browser tab in the Protocol Data view 3. Detailed information about the selected element is also presented in the right-hand portion of the Test Editor view. You can edit this data if you need to change the host, URL, request header values, or any other field. Automatic data correlation Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me ShowWeb applications tend to be highly dynamic. For example, in the scenario you recorded you placed an order for a vacation package and were given a unique order ID. You then used that order ID to check the status of your purchase. When you play-back this test, it will place another order and you will be given a different order ID. You would want Performance Tester to check the status of that new order ID, not the one you previously recorded. For that reason, Performance Tester performs automatic data correlation. That is, it looks at data parameters sent to the server and matches them up w ith prior response data from the server.Accessing the correlated data is easy. Rational Performance Tester Page 12 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® 1. Highlight the Order Tracking Results node in the Test Contents area of the Performance Test view. Now right-click inside the Test Data area to the right and select Show References. Notice that the orderId field is being substituted with data from a prior response. Figure 11. Show References for data correlation 2. Double-click orderId. This takes you to the URL of the actual request for that page.Figure 12. Correlated data in the URL of a request 3. Right-click the highlighted string and select Go To. This takes you directly to the orderId value in the response text of the Checkout request. During test playback, Performance Tester will substitute the orderId value it receives in this response for the orderId in the request for order tracking. Figure 13. Co rrelated data in the prior response Granted, you now know far more than you probably wanted to know about data correlation; but that is the beauty of Performance Tester: it does all this for youRational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks without any hand coding or other effort on your part. Randomize the data Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show In performance testing it is essential to be able to randomize the data being sent to the server. Modern Web applications have many layers of caching. If you were to emulate a thousand users using the application doing exactly the same thing, you would not observe typical performance behavior.Once the first emulated user performed the transaction, all the subsequent users would be drawing information from the cache. For this reason, performance test engineers often spend much of their time configur ing tests to pull random data from a â€Å"datapool†so that each emulated user uses unique information. Performance Tester automatically identifies likely candidates for datapool access and makes it possible to associate these fields with data sources you provide. 1. Select the Enter Adventure Package Details page node in the test contents. Notice in the Test Data area the start_month, start_year, and start_day parameters.These were the default values in the Options page, which were subsequently transmitted back to the server when the Set Package Options button was clicked. Figure 14. Datapool candidates 2. 3. 4. Set up a datapool to randomize the values used by your virtual users when you play-back this test. Select start_month in the Test Data area. Click Substitute From below the Test Data area. Select Datapool Value†¦. Figure 15. Substitute start_month from the datapool variable Rational Performance Tester Page 14 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks eveloperWorks ® 5. 6. 7. Click Add Datapool on the â€Å"Select datapool†column window. You will add an association to an existing datapool to this test. Select the existing VacationStartDates datapool and click Select. Back in the â€Å"Select datapool†column window, select start_month and click Use Column. Note that the â€Å"Substituted with†column next to the start_month variable now has a reference to the datapool column. Select start_year in the Test Data area. Repeat the process. This time you will not need to add the datapool reference; just select start_year and click Use Column.Repeat the above procedure for start_day. The three variable rows should be highlighted in green to indicate they are being substituted from the datapool and should show references in the â€Å"Substituted with†column. Figure 16. Variables substituted with datapool variables 8. 9. 10. Press Ctrl-S to save the test when finis hed. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 15 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks Section 5. Schedule a workload One of the keys to a successful performance test is the ability to accurately model the anticipated system workload.Software systems typically have various types of users that perform varied tasks. Performance Tester provides a graphical interface to enable you to model your user activities. Create a schedule Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show 1. Expand the Schedules folder and double-click the AdventureBuilderLoadTest schedule to open it in the Schedule Editor view. This is a schedule that has been partially completed for you. Figure 17. AdventureBuilderLoadTest schedule in Test Navigator view 2. Two user groups have already been defined in this schedule.As you can see from the annotations on the Schedule Contents, browsers represent 20 percent of your emula ted users while buyers represent 80 percent. Figure 18. Schedule Contents shows defined user groups Rational Performance Tester Page 16 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® 3. Expand the Browsers user group and all contained elements in the Schedule Contents. Figure 19. Details of the Browsers user group Performance Tester offers many advanced constructs to help you test the impact of a realistic load on your system.The hierarchy under the Browsers user group can be interpreted as follows: Each browser will peruse three adventure packages. Browsers will randomly choose to look at either mountain adventures or western adventures but are twice as likely to look at mountain adventures. The action of browsing the adventure category is emulated by tests that were recorded in much the same way you recorded your test. After looking at each category, a browser will wait 1000 milliseconds before browsing another cate gory. 4. The Buyers group has not been completed.Use the test you recorded earlier as an implementation for the Buyers test. Click the Buyers user group. Click Add ; Test and select PurchaseIslandAdventure from the Select Performance Tests window. Save the AdventureBuilderLoadTest schedule. 5. Section 6. Run an automated performance test Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks In this section you will learn how to execute your test against the Adventure Builder application and monitor the results. Launch the test Animated demoWould you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show 1. Select the topmost node in the Schedule Contents  that is, the AdventureBuilderLoadTest node. A number of execution options are available in the tabs on the right-hand portion of the Performance Schedule Editor view. You can specify the number of users you want to emulate in the N umber of users field on the General tab. Since the user groups in this schedule have been defined in terms of percentages, Performance Tester will do all the adjustments for you each time you change the size of your schedule. Leave the Number of users set to 5.The online trial environment is configured for a maximum of five emulated users and attempting to run with more users will result in a license error. Click Run on the toolbar. This launches your performance test. Figure 20. Run button on the toolbar 2. Monitor the test Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show While your test is running, you can monitor its progress in near real-time. The Overall tab of the Performance Report view will show you test progress in the bar across the top. The bar graph will show the status code success rate for pages and elements.Both should show 100%. While the test is running you can browse the various tabs on the report to see what is happening. 1. Select the Summary tab along the bottom of the report. Basic statistics about the test run, pages, and page elements are given here. Note that these statistics will continue to update until the run has completed. Rational Performance Tester Page 18 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® 2. 3. Select the Page Performance tab. This tab presents a bar graph of the average page response time for the 10 pages with the highest times.Feel free to browse through the other report pages. The default information presented is relatively easy to read and gives you quick insights into the performance of Adventure Builder application. Note that the graph on the Resources tab will be blank: this is expected. When the test has finished (note the progress bar on the Overall tab), go back to the Page Performance tab. You should notice that the Checkout page is considerably slower than any of the other pages. 4. Section 7. Analyze the root cause At this point, you have successfully used Performance Tester to uncover a performance problem in your application.The next question you will ask yourself is, â€Å"What is causing the problem? †To get to the bottom of this question you will use Performance Tester's Root Cause Analysis facilities. In this section, you will re-run your test with additional data collection tools engaged. The additional information will help you determine if you are facing a hardware or software issue and drill down to the root cause of the performance bottleneck. Engage resource monitoring Animated demo Would you like to see these steps demonstrated for you? me Show 1. 2. 3. Double-click the AdventureBuilderLoadTest schedule in the Test Navigator view.Revisit some of the additional execution controls on the schedule: start by selecting the top node of the Schedule Contents again. Select the Resource Monitoring tab in the Schedule Element Details area. Resource monitoring enables Performa nce Tester to log any system parameter from Windows perfmon, Unix or Linux rstatd, or Tivoli Monitoring. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 19 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks 4. 5. Check Enable resource monitoring. Click Add New†¦ to define a new server on which to monitor resources.Note that you may need to scroll down the right portion of the Performance Schedule view to see the button. In the Resource Monitoring window, enter localhost as the host name. Check Windows Performance Monitor. Note that in this trial environment, the Web server, application server, and Performance Tester system are all running on a single machine: localhost. This is, of course, not a realistic situation. In a true performance testing environment, you can define any machines that might be part of your application or test system. Select the Resources tab. After a few seconds, you can see the extensive list of counters ava ilable.To keep it simple, deselect all counters except Memory > Pages/sec and Processor > % Processor Time. Click OK to close the Resource Monitoring window. 6. 7. 8. Engage Response Time Breakdown 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the Response Time Breakdown tab in the Schedule Element Details area of the Performance Schedule. Check Enable collection of response time data. This enables Performance Tester's response-time data collection infrastructure. Since you know the only test that actually visits the Checkout page is PurchaseIslandAdventure, select only that test. In the Options area, set the Detail level to High.Save the schedule by pressing Ctrl-S. Click the Run button on the toolbar again. Performance Tester launches the test just as before, but this time with resource monitoring and response-time breakdown collection engaged. Examine resource-utilization data 1. While the performance schedule is executing, select the Resources tab Rational Performance Tester Page 20 of 26  © Copyr ight IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® on the Performance Report. This time, you'll see data for the resources you chose to collect in the schedule. Figure 21. The Resources tab on the Performance Report . The data you see here, although accurate, is not really representative of a typical load test. In this trial environment, the Performance Tester load generation, Web server, application server, and database server are all running on a single machine. You would normally track resources on each tier of your application. In addition, the load test you just ran was of very short duration. Normally, performance tests will be significantly longer, allowing the systems to reach a steady state. Nonetheless, the trial system gives you a sense of how easy it is to track resource utilization during a performance test.If you have a concern, you can now go to the Response vs. Time Detail tab, right-click on the graph, and click Add/Remo ve Performance Counters to overlay resource counters onto page response data. This helps you visually correlate any spikes in resource utilization with page activity. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 21 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks 3. Since it doesn't appear that the performance issue with Adventure Builder is hardware related, use the response-time breakdown data to find out if it is software related.Examine the response-time breakdown data 1. 2. Select the Page Performance tab of the Performance Report. Drill down into what went on behind the scenes for the Checkout page. Right-click on the bar in the graph for the Checkout page and choose Display Response Time Breakdown Statistics†¦. Select the /ab/checkout. do URL from the Selection Wizard and click Finish. The Response Time Breakdown Statistics view lists methods called on the server tiers of the Adventure Builder application. There are var ious ways to examine this information.Switch to the Tree Layout view using the Layout button in the upper-right corner of the view. Figure 22. The Tree Layout view 3. 4. Now sort by descending cumulative time by clicking twice on the Cumulative Time column header. Find the root cause of the problem The top node labeled rationaltd represents the machine. In this trial, all system-under-test and test-harness components are running on a single machine. In a real-world test, you would likely see multiple machines listed. The second-level node labeled J2EE/WebSphere†¦ is the WebSphere application server component.From the information here, you can quickly see that the J2EE facet type consuming the most cumulative time is the Servlet. 1. Expand the Servlet node and the com. sun. j2ee. blueprints. waf. controller. web package, and the Rational Performance Tester Page 22 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® Mai nServlet class nodes. This tells you that the four invocations of the doPost method in the MainServlet class consumed 42. 113 seconds. Note that your actual values will probably differ. Figure 23.Response time of the doPost method of MainServlet 2. Right-click the doPost method and choose Open Source. Well, what do you know  you have located the source of your performance problem! Figure 24. A sleep statement in the source code Section 8. Summary This tutorial has introduced you to IBM Rational Performance Tester. In a very short time you were able to construct a test suite by recording a performance test for a Web application, customizing the test to randomize data upon playback, and using that test as part of a realistic performance test schedule.You executed that schedule on a small scale and used the near real-time reports to identify a slow page. Once you had identified the page, you gathered resource utilization data and response-time breakdown statistics, which you th en used to investigate possible hardware and software causes. You then drilled down to the specific source code method causing the problem. Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 23 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorksWhile you may have learned a lot in this tutorial, you have only scratched the surface of what Performance Tester can do. As you continue to explore Performance Tester you will discover many more features to assist you in testing the performance of your applications and releasing them with confidence. See Resources to learn more about Performance Tester and other IBM software products covered in the Hello World tutorial series. Rational Performance Tester Page 24 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. ibm. com/developerWorks developerWorks ® ResourcesLearn †¢ The Hello World: Rational Performance Tester (for downloadable trial code) is another version of this tut orial that is written for people who would prefer to set up their own environment, rather than use the online trial of Rational Performance Tester. †¢ The Hello World series of hands-on tutorials introduces IBM software products that play a critical role in implementing an SOA foundation in your enterprise. †¢ See the Rational Performance Tester product page for technical documentation, how-to articles, education, downloads, and product information about Rational Performance Tester. â€Å"Using IBM Rational Performance Tester to find bottlenecks†(David M. Chadwick, developerWorks, September 2006) presents a real-world case study in using Rational Performance Tester. †¢ IBM Rational performance testing solutions provide scalability and load testing for J2EE, Web-based, Siebel, Citrix, and SAP applications. †¢ Learn more about the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform  a complete set of tools to build, integrate, modernize, extend, and deploy soft ware and software-based systems. †¢ Learn more about the Eclipse development environment.Get products and technologies †¢ Download a free trial version of Rational Performance Tester. †¢ Build your next development project with IBM trial software, available for download directly from developerWorks. Discuss †¢ Participate in the discussion forum for this content. About the author Dennis Schultz Dennis Schultz joined Rational in 1995 as a technical sales engineer. For eight years, he worked closely with numerous clients, implementing Rational solutions in their projects. Dennis helped deploy solutions for software configuration management, change management, requirements management, and test management and implementation.Since 2003, Dennis has been a Technical Marketing Engineer for Rational Performance Tester  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved. Page 25 of 26 developerWorks ® ibm. com/developerWorks IBM Rational software. Dennis holds a B. S. in computer engineering from Iowa State University. He is based in St. Louis, Missouri, and fills his non-work time with his four children. Rational Performance Tester Page 26 of 26  © Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2008. All rights reserved.
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