Monday, September 30, 2019
Euthanasia †Good Or Bad? Essay
Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable, deadly and incredibly painful disease or illness. Who is to decide for others? The government? Each and every person has the right to decide about issues such as euthanasia for themselves, nobody else should be able to decide for them as they are the ones in need – what’s it to others? It’s their suffering, their life and their choice. Wouldn’t you like to leave earth with the least amount of pain possible? Of course you would†¦who wouldn’t? Along with euthanasia being able to put a stop to ones agonizing pains, it’s also able to decrease the amount of grief that they and their loved ones experience due to seeing each other go through a vast amount of distress. Many (religious and nonreligious) people believe that it is wrong to keep people alive beyond their natural life span (e.g. a life support machine) because only god has the power to decide when ones life ends. Jesus once said ‘Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You’ therefore if you were suffering really badly then you’d want your life to end the easiest and quickest way possible. Another thing that may seem more important than passing away with the least possible amount of physical and emotional pain, is respect and dignity. Euthanasia enables terminally ill people to pass on with a small, but priceless, amount of dignity and self-respect they have left in themselves. Who in the right world of mind would want to die with no respect from others? Euthanasia will help prevent that to thousands across Britain – not just the incurable patients but also the patients friends, family and even the doctors jobs would be less stressful. In March 2002 a 43 yr old woman, named Diane Pretty whom had Motor Neuron Disease made the headlines with her plea for her beloved husband to be allowed to assist her in suicide (as she only had a few unbearable months to live) with no fear of prosecution. At her hearing she spoke with the help of a voice synthesizer and said ‘I want my rights to have a death with dignity’, but her plea was rejected and she died later that year in May, in a hospice. What are people who want euthanasia like? Selfish? They’ll make their decision while thinking about nobody but themselves. They don’t even think about how their family and friends will take the news and how much they’ll miss them. If the person wanting euthanasia loved them dearly then they’d live on for them. Religious people have a point of view for euthanasia but they also have views against euthanasia to. Christians have hospices around Britain, which are specially for looking after terminally ill people while making sure that they don’t lose their dignity, Christianity believes euthanasia is wrong as they believe in the ‘Sanctity Of Life’ and it is against the commandment ‘Do Not Kill’. Jesus suffered severely and painfully on the cross, but he did not cut short his suffering – therefore it is not down to us to end out life. Other religions, including Christianity believe that accepting suffering may have a spiritual value for your soul, in heaven, rebirth or the afterlife. Terminally ill people include people whom are in comas and unconsciousness; so the persons loved ones may commit euthanasia against their wishes and the patient might recover from an illness against all odds as the doctor’s diagnosis has a chance of being wrong. Doctors’ jobs are to save peoples lives – well to at least try, not to kill them; this will result in Britain’s doctors being murderers and no one would like to go to a murderer for help.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Improving Hospitality Industry Talents in Macau
Improving Hospitality Industry Talents in Macaw Introduction With the development of the Macaw economy, the local market requires more labor to satisfy its demand. However, Macaw's human resource distribution is not balanced especially for local professionals in the hospitality industry. Although the unemployment rate in Macaw has been around 2% during recent years, improving the whole professional level is the most important thing for the long term. (Government of Macaw Special Administrative Region, 2013) According to statistics, here is around 130 thousand non-local people work in Macaw in 2013.Since the booming development of the hospitality industry, there is no doubt that Macaw needs more qualified personnel in the future. Career Times has reports that â€Å"As business booms, the shortage of qualified personnel is becoming more acute and employers are starting to worry. †(2006) Therefore, it is essential that Macaw cultivates more hospitality industry talents in order to have a stable and sustainable development. This project proposal presents 3 recommendations to improve hospitality industry talents in Macaw.Problem Statement In the ideal situation, Macaw would have an effective and efficient educational system, cultivating sufficient professional talents to develop and maintain this city. In recent years, with the flourishing hospitality industry, Macaw needs more and more professional talents to manage the whole market. However, due to the defective educational system, the younger generations are not qualified professional. But in order to increase economic efficiency, the government has to hire more and more non-local people to meet the requirement.It is obvious that this situation threatens coal people's opportunity, livelihood and their developments even it will sharpen contradiction According to Macaw daily news (201 1), hotel and restaurant industries still have 5000 Job vacancies. Imbalance has occurred in the talents structure which als o drags on the development speed of Macaw's economy. Therefore, Macaw government should pay more attention to improve the Educational system, allocate the educational resource reasonably to improve the overall quality of local people especially for improving hospitality industry talents to manage this industry and push it too new high.Literature Review As the saying goes â€Å"Teachers are engineers of human souls†. Therefore, in order to improve educational quality, we need to attach great importance to a highly educated and trained workforce. (Corker, n. D. ) As mayor of Chattanooga in U. S. A, Mr.. Corker tried to hire the best teacher to the low performance school by providing extract bonus. (Improving Education in America, n. D. , Para 3) Finally, he have really great reward through this measure, the low-performance schools have better achievement than other school.In addition, he also supports the scholarship to help over housing Tennessee students afford their universi ty and reduce the loan interest. (Improving Education in America, n. D. , Para 5) Mr.. Corker's movement not only could increase the national talent quality, but also it could help the younger generation reach dreams. The United Kingdom has their own way to cultivate talents. Although their population is only 1 percentage of the world, they have issue 8 percentage of research paper to the world. Besides, Cambridge University cultivated around 60 Nobel Prize winners. Is, 2004) The reason why U. K has a strong educational system to cultivate lots of Allen's is they mainly focus on cultivate understanding in students. Not only are the educator imparts knowledge, but they pay attention on students' capacity for independent thinking and creative intelligence. Furthermore, they have a great educational tradition that Oxford University and Cambridge University have courses cross-training for broadening students' horizon. It is very important that they have those characteristic to face vari ous challenge of future lives.After the Second World War, Japan hospitality industry gradually became one of the most speeding expanding industries. Their service and management become more denaturized and scientific which approved by customers from all over the world. (L', 2010, Para 2) There is no doubt that their achievement and their education are inseparable. According to Lie, whatever Japanese colleges or training school, they all keep closed contact with the hospitality industry to get the newest information about this industry. (Para. 5) It is a wise measure to formulate the education plan to cultivate professional talents.Moreover, not only do they focus on the quality of education, but also emphasize the professional atmosphere, practical training and language skill to enhance the whole quality (Para 8) As is known to all, details determine success or failure, Japan apparently have cultivated lots of hospitality industry talents to strengthen their competitiveness in the w orld. Proposed Solutions It is recommended that the Macaw government pay an attention in hospitality industry training to enhance occupational temperament. As is known to all that Macaw has only two hospitality institutes which are I.F. T and M. IS. S. T. , not only could we focus on the professional knowledge, but also we are supposed to emphasize students' professional behavior. Since employees need to deal with human beings in this industry, so we could provide the etiquette class, social skill class languages class, world culture class as compulsory course to make students become more qualified. In addition, institutes are supposed to keep in touch with the industry in order to update the newest information to formulate the teaching plan.It is both important for students and the industry to improve the whole quality services. It is recommended that the Macaw government attach great importance to educator. It is known to all that educators are very significant to students to impr ove the whole educational quality, the government could measure a plan to reward educator, providing teaching bonus, housing allowance, traffic allowance, traveling allowance and so on to and attract and motivate educators.Paying more attention on education atmosphere, let educator and student get along with harmony to enhance the quality of education and get positive results. It is recommended that the Macaw government could extend the scholarship limitation and lower the loan interest to let student get further education. It is known to all that the higher education is not cheap at all so that some student would drop he class due to the expensive fee, and the limitation of scholarship strict. Therefore, the government could offer more scholarship quota to the student and lower loan interest to reduce their pressure.Government should provide financial support to let those who pursue studies could afford their course.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Norman Finkelstien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Norman Finkelstien - Essay Example It was not simply writing on the Holocaust that Finkelstein saw to be fraudulent, but an entire â€Å"Holocaust industry†pushing this particular past on the present for both ideological and financial gain. Finkelstein's criticisms of what were perceived to be misuses of the Holocaust were neither the first word nor the last on this subject. As the accusations leveled at Leai suggest, right from the outset, questions were raised about the mixed motives behind representing this particular past. With the increasing prominence of the Holocaust in popular discourse since the 1960s, those dissenting voices have gotten louder, reaching a deafening crescendo in Finkelstein's damning critique of the Holocaust industry. But Finkelstein's claims of the existence of a Holocaust industry drew on a much longer tradition of critical reflection on the popularization of the Holocaust. Much longer history of the criticism of Holocaust representation can be seen developing alongside the history of that representation. There are two broad strands in this disparate literature. One strand has questioned what has been seen as an overemphasis on the Holocaust in general, and by Jews in particular. Another strand has not questioned all contemporary concerns with the Holocaust per se, but has critiqued specific representations of the Holocaustâ€â€movies, museum exhibits, and booksâ€â€in large part on the grounds of inauthenticity. What unifies these two broad strandsâ€â€and such diverse writers as Norman Finkelstein and Elie Wieselâ€â€is a refusal to accept any cultural product that draws on the history of the Holocaust as by definition a good thing, simply because it makes this past known. Within the more restricted criticism of someone like Wiesel, there can be, and have been, inappropriate Holocaust representations. From the more radical perspective of Finkelstein, all the products of the Holocaust industry are rejected as little more than attempts at â€Å"J ewish aggrandizement.†4 While these two critical strands differ quite markedly, beneath both lies the deeper question of whether all the more recent talk about the Holocaust is a good thing in general, and whether it is a good thing for Jews and non-Jews in particular. However, such criticisms have recently been themselves subject to criticism. In the aftermath of the publication of Finkelstein's book in particular, voices were raised against the questioning of both specific Holocaust representations, and the perceived centrality of the Holocaust. The attack on the Holocaust industry by Finkelstein and others has been challenged and critiqued, perhaps most importantly, in an essay written by Alvin Rosenfeld in the American Jewish Year Book for 2001. There, Rosenfeld argued that the criticism of what was perceived to be a contemporary overemphasis on the Holocaust amounted, explicitly or implicitly, to calls for forgetting. If the Holocaust was to be increasingly forgotten, as critics of the Holocaust industry advocated, the result would be, Rosenfeld suggested, that Jews would â€Å"return to the kind of vulnerability that preceded Auschwitz and helped bring it about.†27 However, before reflecting on the recent debate over the broader critique of the Holocaust industry, there are narrower criticisms of the specific products of the H
Friday, September 27, 2019
What is the Keynesian explanation for why the economy is currently Essay
What is the Keynesian explanation for why the economy is currently growing slower than normal - Essay Example The interest rates being charged by the lending institutions increase superficially, consequently crowding out private investment, and reducing the economic growth in the future (Ireland, 38). This makes an economic recession to become inevitable within the system, and during this period the economic growth remains slow. While monetary policies to reduce the interest rate might be implemented, this only creates an income effect and does not guarantee increased consumption. As a result, the recession might last longer than anticipated. The economy has undergone through a period of recession, and there is need to implement a fiscal policy aimed at changing the condition. This, however, required immediate action and the government was slow in responding to the need for a fiscal policy to end the recession (Kaboub, 84). The fiscal policies required to ensure an effective stimulus for economic growth should be focused on infrastructure development and job creation within the economy. The government policies have however been focused too much towards tax cuts which have resulted in a stimulus package that can be described as too small to end the recession, hence the slow recovery. Kaboub, Fadhel. â€Å"Understanding and Preventing Financial Instability: Post-Keynesian Institutionalism and Government as Employer of Last Resort.†Financial Instability and Economic Security after the Great Recession. Ed. Charles J. Whalen. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011. 77–92.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Final Exam - Assignment Example You use the following article from ABI/Inform Complete in your research paper: Teaching Managers to Appraise Performances by Donna L. Mitchell and Esther Green in Nursing Management, Mar. 1996, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pages 48-49. The URL for the journal is How would you cite it in APA 6th edition format? If you were researching telecommuting and its effect on productivity and your search using the search term, telecommuting, produced too many irrelevant results, how might you change your search statement to cover the key concepts more thoroughly and find the most relevant search results? Your small business is the support unit for various learning software products sold by other vendors and purchased by academic institutions. With the increasing popularity of these software solutions, growing your business requires reviewing current research and information on new products, product performance, and statistics on the market. What type of resource will best keep you up-to-date? You are doing research on the use of mobile technology such as cell phones or PDAs in patient care. Which of the following groups of subject terms would be the best for searching the subject field of a health database like Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition on this topic? You are using a chapter from an edited book in your research paper. Published in 2007, the book is called The Handbook of Mentoring at Work and is edited by Belle Rose Ragins and Kathy E. Kram.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
JETBLUE CASE STUDY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
JETBLUE CASE STUDY - Research Paper Example However, a disturbing fact about turnover of Jetblue is that, far from increased percentages of sales over the years, the percentages are actually falling. Sales for 2006 constituted a 36% increase over 2005, but sales proportion of 2007 is only around 20% increase over 2006. It is imperative that sales growth is consistent through larger quantum of sales and revenues over profitable segments. Coming to variable costs, it is seen that the proportion is larger for variable costs rather than fixed. Aircraft fuel, as expected, holds the largest chunk. Rising fuel prices is one of the principal risks in the airline business. Jet fuel costs were considered the second largest operating cost in the airline industry, after staff costs. Coming to hedging it is seen that occasionally the company should purchase crude oil options contract or swap agreements. These commodity prices are connected with aircraft fuel, making derivative of them effective. These are short term measures designed to co unteract against steep increases in prices of aircraft fuels. Lower distribution costs, lower selling overheads and higher instance of productive output. This has been brought about by use of electronic ticketing and maximum use of internet services for airliners. Only two types of aircrafts in use: The... Coming to variable costs, it is seen that the proportion is larger for variable costs rather than fixed. Aircraft fuel, as expected, holds the largest chunk. Rising fuel prices is one of the principal risks in the airline business. Jet fuel costs were considered the second largest operating cost in the airline industry, after staff costs. Coming to hedging it is seen that occasionally the company should purchase crude oil options contract or swap agreements. These commodity prices are connected with aircraft fuel, making derivative of them effective. These are short term measures designed to counteract against steep increases in prices of aircraft fuels. Four possible reasons on how the company has, up to now, managed and achieved low operating costs are as follows. Lower distribution costs, lower selling overheads and higher instance of productive output. This has been brought about by use of electronic ticketing and maximum use of internet services for airliners. Only two types of aircrafts in use: The Company flies only two types of aircrafts, A320 and Embraer 190. Thus, it is possible for Jetblue to plan and control its operations, servicing and maintenance. Moreover, its pilots are more comfortable flying aircrafts whose technical and flight systems are well known to them and this helps in attaining ultimate flight efficiencies and lower chances of accidents or operational malfunctioning. Higher aircraft utilization: By effective and harmonized scheduling of aircrafts, and well- planned movement control, it is able to spread its fixed costs over a larger number of flights and available seat miles. Some of their aircrafts are on day-and-night
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Booming of Real Estate Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Booming of Real Estate Market - Essay Example t could be seen as a growth in the economic condition of a country while might also be attributed to be a temporary ‘real estate bubble’ that will not survive for long. This boom or bubble is not only the matter of highly developed countries, rather these surging property prices could easily be noticed even in developing individual countries of the world. This paper provides an insightful study in the growth of real estate market at an international level as well as for individual countries. This paper is an investigation into the booming of real estate market in many countries of the world relating the heightening prices to the most important factor i.e., demand, and then moving beyond to other factors contributing to the growth of this trend or bubble at such a level. The major causes behind the property market bonanza observed in several countries could also be related to some macroeconomic indicators in a particular country. However, the apprehensions concerning the existence of a ‘market bubble’ should also not be ignored. Hence, this discussion is also included in the spectrum of our study of real estate market boom. Real estate market comprises a bunch of residential and non-residential sectors of the economy including housing and commercial construction sector (i.e., offices, houses, apartments, retail buildings, and also dams, bridges, roads etc), brokerage sector and real estate financing, investment and management sector etc. Thus there is an interlinked array of economic activities involved in real estate market. Real exchange property, in particular residential property is the pre-eminent asset category around the globe. It is the asset on which almost every household expends a substantial portion of income regardless of nation, caste and creed. Therefore, housing is the greatest sector contributing to the economic condition in the world. According to the US Department of Commerce (Bureau Of Economic Analysis), In the United States, the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Interpretive exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interpretive exercise - Assignment Example There are several different ways that the word is translated. It can be translated meaning benefit or bountyâ€â€as when someone prays, etc. Grace can be an expression of thanksâ€â€whether for benefits, services, or favors. Grace can also mean some type of recompense or reward for having done a very good job. Another way in which grace could be used would be to talk about the actual token or proof or benefit that grace provides. Of course, grace could also mean the spiritual condition in which one finds oneself where one is guided by the power of divine grace. Grace can also mean those things which are they themselves due to grace having been part of their lives. Grace is also known as an exercising of the Christian virtues. Grace keeps one. Grace strengthens one. Grace is supposed to increase us in the Christian faith; grace is supposed to undergird our knowledge and inform our affections, kindling us to do good works. Of course, in this passage to the Ephesians, Paul is maki ng an exhortation that we not only take the grace that has been bestowed upon us by Christ, but this is a call to action helping everyone realize that we are not to take that grace for granted as Christians. Grace affords us joy. It gives us pleasing moments and moments of delight, sweetness, loveliness, and of course charm. The way Christians act should be undergirded by graceful speech, with goodwill, lovingkindness, and a favor that we can extend to others by simply making a pathway to lead a gracious life, thankful for all that we have and all that we are and all that we do. Matching Up Meanings and Translations The question could then be raised, â€Å"Does the author’s argument in the book suggest a meaning?†2 For, living the Christian life is not just about being a poser saying that one loves Jesus. Because, ultimately, it is not merely enough to declare that one has been absolved of all sins and then go out and do whatever one wants. One must live a life that is pleasing to God in any and all aspects of our lives. Next we had to match up these meanings and translations with the Scripture verses in which each appears. It was quite extensive, but basically we saw the same pattern reoccurring over and over again. It has been said that mercy is not getting something you deserve, while grace is getting something that you don’t deserve. It’s important to know the difference. As has been aforementioned, there are a great wide variety of meanings that have come to be associated with what grace isâ€â€as well as what grace is not. â€Å"By faith are ye saved by grace†is one of the calling cards of the New Testament in Ephesians 2:8a, from the King James Version. Grace comes from the Greek root â€Å"charis,†and lends itself to the word charity, which does not just mean handouts being given to a bum out on the streetâ€â€but charis is also the root word for charity, which also can mean â€Å"love.†Colossia ns 3:16 in the King James Version also states, â€Å"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.†3 In this case, grace most definitely appears to mean ‘love.’ But, as it may come as no surprise that Paul also wrote this Letter to the Colossians, he is definitely
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Water pollution in Washington DC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Water pollution in Washington DC - Essay Example Recent studies have shown that the water in the river of Washington DC has been found to be extremely contaminated. The wildlife is suffering from this polluted water to such an extent that the fish are displaying instability in their traits. Poor sewerage systems and outdated treatment processes in the metropolitans throughout all the inhabited continents of the world has created inconvenience for the residents of these metropolitan cities of the world and the rivers are extremely polluted as a result making the river water inappropriate for consumption. It is not just the humans who have been affected as a result of this ignorance on the part of the authorities but also the wildlife. Although a majority of the major metropolitan cities have been slow to react to the developments such as population increase and geographic expansions, one of the most prominent and most affected cities as a result of water pollution is Washington DC. This is why I am writing in this newspaper in order to highlight the areas where these problems are at their worst and how these issues can be addressed by the government authorities as well as on a private basis. A huge proportion of the sewage and contaminated water has been disposed off into rivers which pollutes the water and makes it unusable and medically disastrous for those who consume the river water as well as the wildlife. Recent studies have shown that the water in the river of Washington DC has been found to be extremely contaminated. The wildlife is suffering from this polluted water to such an extent that the fish are displaying instability in their traits. Many fish have even been found out to be intersex in nature. By intersex in this case means that many male fish have shown signs of feminine fertility. This is something of a great worry for the authorities as this means that not only the water in these rivers is bad for human health but also these fish are unfit for consumption by the people. Research studies have shown that many of the sample male fish of the rivers of Washington DC have displayed mixed sexual behaviors and patterns such as sign of fertility in the testes of male fish (Goldenberg). Authorities on often occasions have tried to curtail this pollution process of the river water but their efforts have gone in vain so far. Either the authorities do not consider the problems to the right measure or they are short of resources and planning to solve this problem. The sewerage system working right now in Washington DC is extremely outdated and unable to fulfill the demands of the current population. The system that has been running the sewage water to the treatment plant and further was installed in the 1960’s and at that time, the population of the city was very low when it is compared to the current population. The treatment system is simply not good or updated enough to fulfill the demands of the current era. The Washington DC has a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) system ins talled which means that when the rainfall is at its peak, this system is up and running and it has a lot of water to carry to the treatment plant and eventually into the river. The system carries water from the rain which then flows into these drains and the sewage water as well. When the water pressure in this drainage system is very high, the water inflow exceeds the capacity of the sewage water treatment plant and thus much of the water overflows and the untreated water flow into the river. It has been estimated that around 52 million gallons of untreated sewage water flows into the river at an annual basis (Rock Creek Conservancy). This is an alarming figure since this much toxic water is capable enough of destroying the purity of the river in the long run. As I have mentioned earlier, the authorities have shown little interest in improving this situation either due to their ignorance or that they are short of resources to be allocated to this sector. However sooner or later, th e related government departments, NGO’s and the general public will have to realize that this ignorance will cost the city and the people themselves very dearly. Therefore, the concerned authorities
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Example for Free
Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Night, the time God Disappeared Night, the time when God broke promises to Jews and the Nazis kept the ones they made. Elie Wiesel wrote a heart breaking, mind boggling book that goes by the name of Night. Night tells the story of Elie Wiesel during the Holocaust. During that time the Jewish people were mistreated, betrayed, and dehumanized. The theme of a story describes the central messages of the story. There are many themes of Night. One that will be discussed has the horrid name of in humanity. During the Holocaust the Jews were treated very inhumane. They were beaten, dehumanized, and also killed. At the labor camps, the people were feed very little, had to work many hours and mistreated. They symbol of silence affects the story when the Jewish people had their rights taken from them, when they found out that they were going to be deported also, when the Jewish nation never said anything about the slaughtering of their people. The theme of this paper comes across as Silence. It shows how the Jewish people thought that nothing bad could come of this situation. Elie Wiesel states, â€Å"The first step: Jews would not be allowed to leave their houses for three days- on pain of death. †(Wiesel, 8). When the Jewish people had their rights taken from them, they adapted to the rules and didn’t speak out. This event showed silence because no one asked why? Or how come? It seemed like the Jewish people were not worried of afraid, as if they did not find this alarming or questionable in anyway. This event in the story makes it seem like even though these rights were taken away, anything else wouldn’t matter that much either. It would be like not being permitted to drink soda, then juice, then water, then anything. The Jews thought that they could live without going outside, like it was a luxury for them. This milestone in the story shows the theme of silence by saying that the restrictions would not kill them (meaning that everything that happens would not have any damage). When the Jewish people were deported, they did not say a word or did they ask why they should move or listen to the Nazis.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Morality Play Everyman Is An Allegory Religion Essay
The Morality Play Everyman Is An Allegory Religion Essay The morality play Everyman is an allegory which carries two different levels of meaning. These two different levels of meaning are used to help the audience understand the author and the society in which he lives. The content of this play also helps the reader to better understand the author and his culture. This portrays how each character, idea, moral issue, and ideology of the era is personified. The original audiences of this era understood the role of religion in their lives. They also greatly believed in the reality of death, heaven, hell, and an afterlife. Everyman has three main characters. They are Everyman, Good Deeds, and Knowledge. They play essential roles for the reader to better understand how the author feels society views its way of life. The play Everyman has a literal meaning of an individual named Everyman who goes on a journey to the end of his life and tries to get his friends to accompany him along the way. On Everymans voyage, Good Deeds is the only one who can accompany him into death, and he is the only character that is able to linger with him before the presence of God. Since Knowledge can only lead Everyman to Good Deeds, Knowledge cannot accompany him all the way on his journey before God. Humanity can take this at a literal level in that your friends are influences in your life that help to sway your decisions, but not all will go to the same resting place in death. Now, symbolically Everyman is, of course, the representation of every human being alive. The other basic characters like Fellowship and Goods for ex ample are supposed to be of what every man, so to say, has in life. Some of these basic characters are there to help find lifes true meaning and the fulfillment in things that will last. The moral of the story becomes clear in that we need to examine now what in the end will truly prove to be of value. There are also a set of ideas that are laid out by the author. These ideas are the central propose of the play. One theme or idea indicates that man will always be betrayed by worldly companions, and that each man is eventually selfish when it comes down to the end. This idea of betrayal sheds light on a principle specific to this theme and forces the character Everyman to seek out a superior truth. The superior truth being that death itself is impending, and to be considered the most fear-provoking experience that man will face. This is the fear that according to this culture would make a man need more time because he was not ready for death, and in addition be made to consider his life and deeds. Another theme or idea focuses on the inventible separation or division from loved ones when in the judgment of your lifes actions. This gives the audience the notion that a man is never more alone than during his time of death. Now, the idea that follows is also important for the author an d he wants society to recall this belief. This is when Everyman is feeling most terrified and without help, he is given the chance to compensate for his actions. Still the author perceives that death is unconquerable and that it does not spare any one. The story Everyman seeks to answer the important moral issues. Such as, the conflict between good and evil is drawn out into the open by the communication between characters. This play shows us not only how every man should meet death but also how every man should live. It is saying that how a man lives his life, whether good or evil, he would be judged based on his deeds and that all the material things in life cannot grant you salvation. The cultural accounting belief in this society, it is a man and his good deeds that will offer access to heaven. Thus once again, it is only Good Deeds who can accompany Everyman on his final journey. When faced with Gods judgment, mans riches, the unsavory reputation of his friends, and the significance of his family will not speak for his worth. Only the good deeds that a man does here on earth can speak for him before God. Accordingly, good deeds are more important than faith in achieving salvation in this society. The ideology of the play Everyman was intended to help reinforce the importance of God and religion in peoples lives during this time period. In this play, God represents salvation, but it is religion that provides the means to achieve that salvation. This particular drama of the medieval period focus is how religion and a belief in God will help man overcome any travail, including death. Although God appears as a character only at the beginning of the play, his presence is felt throughout as Everyman begins to recognize his need for help beyond the earthly realm. Now, sin is the motivation for this play. It is sin that angers God in the play. It is Everymens sins that force his final judgment. He has sinned much in his life, and the audience is told that his sins are so great that Good Deeds is at a standstill. Only when he can be aware of and abandon his sins can Everyman be saved. I feel that the play Everyman can still be seen and read today with the same ideas and values that existed during the Middle Ages. When you talk to people in everyday life you see their values and morals are all based off of how they live and interact with others. Also when you bring up the concept of death to anyone they normal speak as if they have a life time of waiting before death will come to them and how they will in old age get prepared for death. The morality play Everyman is a drama which has a religious meaning. This meaning is brought to the surface in a symbolic way. This is used to describe the author and the cultural beliefs in which he wrote about. The play portrayed how each character, idea, moral issue, and ideology of the era and how it came to life. This is one of the ways that audiences of this era understood the role of religion in their lives. .
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Global Warming Essay -- Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases
Global Warming      We should all be very concerned about our future on Earth as human beings. We may not be at such an immediate risk of burning to death, but our future descendants are. Every year, the overall temperature has gone up slowly. Eventually Earth will be too hot to live on, and the human race will become extinct! The best way to save our future is to start now. Americans should be conscientious of global warming and should watch their CO2 emissions because increasing CO2 concentrations means an increase in Earth’s temperature.      Being conscientious of global warming means making smart decisions on fossil fuel burning. As we all know fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource that produces CO2, which is detrimental to our atmosphere. We, Americans should take the initiative to use renewable resources such as battery power, or solar power. Automobile companies have already created state-of-the-art solar power and electronic cars as an alternate to gas powered cars that burn lots of fossil fuel.      We use automobiles every day as transportation. Unfortunately automobiles emit so much carbon dioxide. In fact as Bill McKibben says â€Å"we emit so much more carbon dioxide now than we did a decade ago in part because our fleet or cars and trucks actually has gotten steadily less fuel efficient for the past 10 years†(325). The media has always had an impact on many people’s lifestyles, and in this day and age, where hip-hop culture has been highly advertised, driving large SUV’s has become very popular. Rap artists sing about their Cadillac Escalades, Lincoln Navigators, and their Hummers. In Bjorn Lomborg says â€Å"we have been indoctrinated by the media, where we see the TV characters as reference points for our own lives†(328). Little do they know that their SUVs they drive burn so much more gas than a car. SUVs release a tremendous amount of CO2 into the atmosphere and are very unnecessary to most of the population who drive th em.      As McKibben states that we live in a â€Å"heedless, supersized society†(325). People are buying these vehicles based on looks, rather than having concern about gas mileage and the amount of CO2 the vehicle emits. Especially since automobiles have become a major part of daily life, we need to be aware of the gas mileage of the vehicle because there are so many thousands of cars on the road emitting so much CO... ...e.      In all, we need to be conscientious of global warming. This means having knowledge that our future descendants and our planet Earth could become overheated from global warming, thus killing off all life on this wonderful planet. We do not want to wait till the last second, when things are too late. We are at a time where we can make a difference. Choosing cars with low gas mileage is a good idea. These cars are environmentally friendly and that’s what we need. If we have the option to walk to work, we should do so. Like Alan Durning argues, free parking should be completely abandoned. Lets keep the cars on the road to the minimum because cars emit CO2, which is harmful to our Earth, and CO2 only increases global warming. We should advertise to the public how dangerous global warming is. Educating youngsters, the future of us, about global warming is an excellent way to go.      Imagine all the beautiful things on Earth, gone. Gone because of the fact we did not act now, and gone because of the fact we weren’t conscientious of global warming. Lets start doing something, baby steps that in the long run will be very productive in our war against global warming.     Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
AIDS :: AIDS Essays
AIDS Unprotected sex, dirty needles,pills!! Now that I have your attention, today I’ll be talking to you about the causes and effects on how you can contract this deadly virus. But first let me start by explaining what Aids/HIV really is and what it does to you once you have contracted the Aids virus. Aids/Aids lowers your immune systems ability to produce the white blood cells and antibodies that protect you from colds, infections, etc. Lowered immunity makes a person vulnerable to attacks from different types of viruses. Such as simple colds, fungi, bacteria may lead to infectious diseases and tumors. Eventually these illnesses may cause death. A simple cold can become deadly to a person who’s infected with the Aids virus. There are many ways you can contract this deadly virus. One is by drug use and the second is having unprotected sex. You can contract Aids by using someone else’s contaminated needle during drug use. If the needle your using is a dirty needle that someone else used and had Aids you easily contract Aids from them. Due to the blood that’s left in the needle or on the needle from the other person. The second way you can contract the Aids virus is by having unprotected sex or through oral sex. Infection of the virus can occur through anal or vaginal intercourse or oral genital sex with an infected partner. The virus is present in semen and vaginal secretions of an infected person. It enters your body through small tears that can develop in vaginal or rectal tissues during sexual activity. Unsafe sex not only pertains to adults but also to kids and teenagers of all ages. Its doesn’t matter how old or young you are, you can contract Aids at any age. There are many effects of this deadly virus. Aids causes sickness weakness of the body and in most cases death. The body gets weaker and isn’t be able to function properly because there aren’t enough white blood cells to fight the virus due to the Aids virus. Department of Health and Human Services report that over 1 million people between the ages of 20-39 will be infected wit Aids by the year 2000. The number of ages will drastically increase with deaths in all age groups reaching 70,000 per year. By the year 2005, 350 people a day will die from the virus. Many people believe that the medicines we have today can cure the Aids virus or stop it from spreading.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Virus Eradicates Through Mosquitoes Essay -- Essays Papers
Virus Eradicates Through Mosquitoes Have you ever heard of a killer mosquito? In Alicia Campbell and H. Michael Dreher’s article, â€Å"A New Transcontinental Disease: The West Nile Virus,†they describe the virus’s origination, transmission, symptoms, treatment, how to avoid it, and the danger. The article was published in June of 2002 in Medsburg Nursing Journal, because the virus is growing rapidly throughout America. The virus first hit United States in New York in 1999, infecting sixty-two people. The authors inform us that it is still a mystery how the virus came to America. One thing is for sure, mosquitoes carry the virus, and they are responsible for the infections in humans. West Nile’s origination first surfaced along the West Nile district of Uganda in Africa in 1937. It’s first reported epidemics took place in Israel during 1951 through 1954, and again in 1957. The largest reported epidemics occurred in South Africa in 1974. There were tens of thousands of infections. A more recent outbreak was in 1996, in Romania where there were over f...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Market environment Essay
Market environment is a marketing term, which refers to the factors and forces that affect a firm’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with the customers. In marketing terms there are two main environmental factors (i.e Macro environmental and Micro environmental) Macro environmental is national larger societal forces that affect the micro environment. Micro environment is mostly internal environment, which include small forces within the company that affects its ability to serve its customers. The internal (micro environment ) affects the organization directly. It refers to the environment that is most closely linked to the firm. Micro environmental factors of Coca Cola :Following are the main micro environment factors which are affecting Coca Cola: 1. The company itself (including departments). The first is the organization’s internal environment–its several departments and management levels–as it affects marketing management’s decision making. Chairman of Board & Chief Executive Officer Chief Marketing & Commercial Officer, Marketing Department, Finance Deptt, Packing Deptt, Sales Deptt Research & Develoment Deptt, Administrative Dept. These all top management and departments are involved in operations and decisions of the company. 2. Suppliers Suppliers always play an important role in a company’s operations. Suppliers provide resources and raw material which the company requires to produce the goods and Coke company suppliers in Pakistan vary with respect to the raw material they provide. There are different suppliers of coke in different areas of the country. 3. Marketing channel firms (intermediaries). marketing intermediaries (middlemen, physical distribution firms, marketing-service agencies, financial intermediaries). Marketing Intermediaries help the company to promote, sell and distribute its goods to the end users. 4. Customer. It consists of the five types of markets in which the organization can sell: the consumer, producer reseller, government, and international markets. Recent survey shows that coke is the only product in the world with which more than 85% of the population is well aware of. Value of customers for coke can be understood by these factors that coke spends lot of efforts on customer research. From kids to youngsters, from youngsters to elders and from elders to older, coke has always captured high customer attention from decades. We can divide coke customers in different categories. †¢Consumer Market: †¢Reseller Market †¢International Market 5. Competitors. consists of the competitors facing the organization. As we know there are two soft drink giants, Coca Cola and Pepsi .Competition between the two companies’ remains very close. Both the companies continue to make efforts to take lead in terms of price, packing, promotion. These companies try theier best to give more customer value and satisfaction than their competitors. Micro-environment(continued) Competitive rivalry There are currently three(3) major players in the cold drink industry. Coca cola Pepsi cola Cadbury Schweppes Coca cola has got dominant position. There are currently growing markets and niches that can be exploited so competition is not so keen. 6. Publics. The company’s marketing environment also includes various publics such as , Financial publics , Media publics , Government publics , Citizen action publics , Local publics , Internal publics and the general public. Amongst all the publics the most important is the general public , because they are the ones that but the product so the company needs to be concerned about their attitudes toward its products. Every country has different type of public which affect any business in the country most effective public for Coca-Cola is media public.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Huckleberry Finn: Freedom Essay
Mark Twain discusses many controversial situations in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of them being freedom and how having it does not necessarily make you free. His representation of freedom is shown through the many diverse characters throughout the novel, like Huck and Jim. Twain shows that you are not free from society or man, no matter who you are. Society expects everyone to meet their standards. They want people to be their idea of â€Å"perfect†and if you don’t meet their standards, you are considered and outcast. Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain’s best example when it comes to not being free from society. Throughout the entire novel, Huck was pressured to become civilized by almost everyone he encounters. For example, Miss Watson and Widow Douglas adopt Huck in hopes of being able to give him a real family. However, a â€Å"real†family is one that is civilized. The two women force Huck to dress in â€Å"regular†clothes, teach him prayers, and send him off to school. By doing all of this, the women are stripping away the boys’ freedom to be an individual. He hated this of course, saying â€Å"But it was rough living in a house all the time†¦and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer, I lit out. I got into my old rags, and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied†(1). Huck cannot be who he truly wants to be, independent and living away from others, because he does not have the freedom to. Miss Watson and Widow Douglas are so worried about what society wants that they forget to worry about what Huck wants. Society almost creates a form of a utopia, and if you don’t fit in you’re an outcast. In a utopia, there is no such thing as an â€Å"outcast†; everyone must be the same. With that, Society is forcing everyone to get rid of his or her individuality, and become exactly like everyone else. Mark Twain uses Huckleberry to show this. He has Huck go through multiple situations where he is pressured to become civilized like everyone else, but has Huck overcome it by sticking with who he is. Twain believes that everyone is losing their freedom to each other and he hopes, like Huck does by the end of the book, that everyone figures out who they are before it is too late. As well as having no freedom because of society, Huckleberry Finn experiences his freedom being taken away by man. When his father, Pap, comes back to town, he wants to take Huck away. Although he thought it wouldn’t be allowed, a judge gives Huck away to Pap without his consent or opinion.
Life in Prison
Prison life in most society is not considered a life worth mentioning. When a person decides to break the law and take up a life of crime, he or she should be aware of certain circumstances that lie ahead. When individuals break the law in our society, the pathway to a life in jail or prison is almost certain. Life simple freedom that most of society enjoys are limited in prison, and in some case none existence. Told where to go, how to act, when to speak, when to rise for the day or when to sleep can be torture. While enduring this he or she is confined in a small cell surrounded by the worst criminals society has to offer can make what life one has left a living nightmare (Heydoorn, 2008). In this paper, I will discuss my personal perspective that I have on Life in Prison. I will also discuss the policies that I would enforce, inmates need for respect, change in correctional policies that I would implement, and my beliefs on why people become criminals. After reading various topics on prison life during this course of study, along with my personal experience as a law enforcement officer, my perspective and understanding of prison life has not change. The main purpose of jail and prison has not change since the early days of our society. Prisons in our society are to house those citizens, which have committed crimes, like murder, rape, arson, and burglary. These citizens are held until their day in court, their trail has been set, and punishment has been rendered. Our ancestors intended purpose of jails and prisons were used as a form of punishment against the offender, a deterrent against the offender from committing crimes, removing dangerous criminals from our society and rehabilitation of less violent criminals. The system I think is ineffective so my understanding is that the system works. However, I am not supportive of the harsh conditions that some inmates will experience while incarcerated. The subculture of gang life and having to choose between living prison life safe or a victim of prison life is a difficult choice (Latessa, 2004). Some policies that I would make to aid the adjustment of prisoners to prison life are first address the subculture mentality that all inmates will experience. This unwritten inmate code, which is nothing more than a certain rules, and belief that used to bind inmates together. Prison life within this culture sees prison as nothing more than a training ground for gladiators. Here is where the strong will survive and flourish in this culture or weak shall become victims. This one area seldom addressed in the majority of prisons. In some cases, prisons officials allow this system to operate for fear of staff safety and gang retaliation. If this were the first order of attack, an inmate might have the chance at rehabilitation and reeducating themselves for reentry back to society (De Viggiani, 2006). In prison life for an inmate, his or her very existence is based on respect, hope, and safety that he or she will survive their sentence. If respect is given to an inmate as, a human being than respect should be rendered in return. Respect can be the difference between a prison riots or safe staff. Giving an inmate hope can change an individual whole outlook on prison life. Though hope an inmate can, one acquires his or her GED, learn a trade, kick drug addiction, and one-day walk out a free man. Other changes in policy that I would suggest in both state and federal prison would first start with the correctional management staff ideology. In almost every state in the United States prison system operates with the idea that if a plan worked good one day why change it the next. In other words if the system is not broken why fix it. The correctional system is like any other field in our society reluctant to change even when it is long overdue. The hearts and minds of correctional professionals, is a start in the right direction. In the last 100 years, there has been very little difference in how our prisons are operated this needs to change. Just because it was successful in 1950 does not mean it is for 2011. During this course of study, I do not think that there is no definite reason people become criminals. It is hard for me to think that individuals are merely born criminals and its is beyond that person control to do otherwise. I think that some people just take up criminal activity because the lifestyle and danger of being caught appeals to their behavior. Others might do strictly for financial gains that might override any rational thought. Some because of their environment see it as easy ticket out of poverty in which he or she grew up. The list could go on with no simple answer. However, I am confident that if the majority of our society were taught at an early age that criminal behavior is a no win scenario that will only led them to a life in prison. Life in Prison Prison life in most society is not considered a life worth mentioning. When a person decides to break the law and take up a life of crime, he or she should be aware of certain circumstances that lie ahead. When individuals break the law in our society, the pathway to a life in jail or prison is almost certain. Life simple freedom that most of society enjoys are limited in prison, and in some case none existence. Told where to go, how to act, when to speak, when to rise for the day or when to sleep can be torture. While enduring this he or she is confined in a small cell surrounded by the worst criminals society has to offer can make what life one has left a living nightmare (Heydoorn, 2008). In this paper, I will discuss my personal perspective that I have on Life in Prison. I will also discuss the policies that I would enforce, inmates need for respect, change in correctional policies that I would implement, and my beliefs on why people become criminals. After reading various topics on prison life during this course of study, along with my personal experience as a law enforcement officer, my perspective and understanding of prison life has not change. The main purpose of jail and prison has not change since the early days of our society. Prisons in our society are to house those citizens, which have committed crimes, like murder, rape, arson, and burglary. These citizens are held until their day in court, their trail has been set, and punishment has been rendered. Our ancestors intended purpose of jails and prisons were used as a form of punishment against the offender, a deterrent against the offender from committing crimes, removing dangerous criminals from our society and rehabilitation of less violent criminals. The system I think is ineffective so my understanding is that the system works. However, I am not supportive of the harsh conditions that some inmates will experience while incarcerated. The subculture of gang life and having to choose between living prison life safe or a victim of prison life is a difficult choice (Latessa, 2004). Some policies that I would make to aid the adjustment of prisoners to prison life are first address the subculture mentality that all inmates will experience. This unwritten inmate code, which is nothing more than a certain rules, and belief that used to bind inmates together. Prison life within this culture sees prison as nothing more than a training ground for gladiators. Here is where the strong will survive and flourish in this culture or weak shall become victims. This one area seldom addressed in the majority of prisons. In some cases, prisons officials allow this system to operate for fear of staff safety and gang retaliation. If this were the first order of attack, an inmate might have the chance at rehabilitation and reeducating themselves for reentry back to society (De Viggiani, 2006). In prison life for an inmate, his or her very existence is based on respect, hope, and safety that he or she will survive their sentence. If respect is given to an inmate as, a human being than respect should be rendered in return. Respect can be the difference between a prison riots or safe staff. Giving an inmate hope can change an individual whole outlook on prison life. Though hope an inmate can, one acquires his or her GED, learn a trade, kick drug addiction, and one-day walk out a free man. Other changes in policy that I would suggest in both state and federal prison would first start with the correctional management staff ideology. In almost every state in the United States prison system operates with the idea that if a plan worked good one day why change it the next. In other words if the system is not broken why fix it. The correctional system is like any other field in our society reluctant to change even when it is long overdue. The hearts and minds of correctional professionals, is a start in the right direction. In the last 100 years, there has been very little difference in how our prisons are operated this needs to change. Just because it was successful in 1950 does not mean it is for 2011. During this course of study, I do not think that there is no definite reason people become criminals. It is hard for me to think that individuals are merely born criminals and its is beyond that person control to do otherwise. I think that some people just take up criminal activity because the lifestyle and danger of being caught appeals to their behavior. Others might do strictly for financial gains that might override any rational thought. Some because of their environment see it as easy ticket out of poverty in which he or she grew up. The list could go on with no simple answer. However, I am confident that if the majority of our society were taught at an early age that criminal behavior is a no win scenario that will only led them to a life in prison.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Medical Classification and Medical Billing Process Essay
The ten steps in the medical billing process are divided into three sections and they are: visit, claim, and post claim. The visit has four steps and they are: preregister patients, establish financial responsibility for the visit, check in patients, and check out patients. The claim has three steps and they are: review coding compliance, check billing compliance, prepare and transmit claims. The last section is the post claim which has the last three steps which are: monitor payer adjudication, generate patient statements, and follow up on patient payments and handle collections. HIPAA, ICD, CPT, and HCPCS, all have an important role in the medical billing process. HIPAA protect any information in which individuals can identify the patient, their health and history, such as their name, social security number, contact and billing information, and insurance. When first visiting the medical facility a patient must receive a notice of privacy, this will explain how to exercise his or her rights under HIPAA. It will protect patient records from being disclosed without his or her consent. In the medical billing process, HIPAA influences preregistering because the staff must make sure the patient information is not overheard by others in the waiting room. HIPAA also influences the establishing’s financial responsibility because the patient provides the medical facility with his or hers personal information as well as insurances. International Classification of Disease (ICD) is diagnosis codes used at check out time to identify the patient’s primary illness. In order for the visit to be bill the physician must put down a medical code to describe the patient medical diagnoses and procedures. When the physician performs a treatment or test a procedure code is assigned. These codes can be selected from the CPT or Current Procedural Terminology. Any service in which is not included in the CPT can be found in the HCPCS or the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System. HIPAA has made HCPCS codes mandatory for billing and coding. HCPCS codes are for patients in Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance plans. Once the services is provided and the ICD, CPT, and HCPCS codes are assigned then the medical facility can submit the claim to the insurance provider. By not putting the right codes down it can cause the claim to be denied. The medical coder will then have to resubmit the claim so the bill can be process and paid.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Abortion in America States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Abortion in America States - Research Paper Example There are various reasons why women in America have abortion. These reasons range from a variety of factors including economic status, age, social and marital status. This paper holds the view that abortion should be legalized and women should be allowed to have abortions as long as they choose to, rather than being forced to keep unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, the decision to continue or to end a pregnancy should be personal (, 1). According to religious views, abortion is a bad thing, which is punishable before God and hence should not be allowed. It is morally bad and contrary to the will of God to take a life – killing of the fetus. According to the Biblical context, life begins at conception, and therefore the conceived fetus becomes a living thing with the right to life like any other human being. Moreover, over the years, abortion has been considered an immoral act and against many cultural beliefs and values. Therefore, when one is suspected to have done abortion, she is at a high risk of facing rejection in the community. Abortion is also considered immoral because it affects the health of the woman leading to serious mental problems. Women who have previously had abortion have been associated with post abortion syndrome where she becomes traumatized and stressed while others experience serious psychological disturbance (Lee, 19-20). Lee further points out that, feelings of shame, anger and guilt against the doctor and people who suggested abortion are said to accompany women after abortion. Other problems like grief, weeping, depression, self-pity, withdraw from others, sleeplessness, nightmares, and eating problems have been associated with women after abortion. Other women end up into drug abuse as a relief for stress. Drug abuse may however lead to other problems like loss of job, divorce or separation and accidents. All these problems interfere with the health and welfare of the woman (Lee, 20-21). Abortion leads to physical complications. Uterine perforations, pain, bleeding, serious infection, hemorrhage, incomplete abortions and cervical lacerations and injury are some of the reported physical complications with the risk of the complications being dependent on the abortion procedure undertaken. Breast cancer, premature delivery, sterility and placenta previa complications in the future pregnancies are th e long-term physical consequences of abortion leading to prenatal death, low birth weight and maternal morbidity. In addition, many cases of deaths resulting from abortion have been reported in America. This was a study done between 1973, when abortion was made legal nationwide to 2004 (Gaul, 1). Despite the above arguments against abortion, I strongly believe that it is helpful and of great value, and that the law should legalize it. This is because it helps to save a woman’s life in case of complicated pregnancies, for instance, when a woman becomes pregnant with more than one fetus, which mostly happens due to the use of fertility drugs or fertility procedure like IVF. Because of this, a woman may end up becoming pregnant with even as many fetuses as six or more. This increases the risk of both the woman’s life as well as that of the fetuses as it can lead to premature birth or expose the mother to many other health-associated problems. When such a condition occurs, both the woman and the physicians are presented into a dilemma because they want to preserve the life of the woman and at the same time, want to take good care of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Class reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Class reflection - Assignment Example I have been able to use the podcast by sharing my learning experience with other students. Through the podcast, I have been able to develop skills like writing, speaking properly, active listening, managing time, and solving problems. Online learning offers a great opportunity for people to learn at their own convenient time. It provides courses of high quality and students do not have a face-to-face experience with other students and lecturers. It is less expensive as students pay less for online programs as well as there is no transportation cost. In addition, students are able to get immediate feedback and there is the provision of tools that improve the pace of learning. The most challenging part of the course was creating a digital storytelling. Digital storytelling revolves around the idea of telling stories using various digital multimedia like images, video, and audio. The bringing together of the digital graphics, recording an audio narration, texts and the incorporation of video and music to present information on a particular topic proved to be a
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Report on Apple Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Report on Apple Company - Essay Example The company has been successful in the recent years and has even managed to attain leadership in the global market. Among other factors, the successful performance of the company has been driven by its efficient business and marketing strategies. This paper suggests that the company’s business and marketing strategies are also going to influence its performance in the future. Therefore, by addressing the current business and marketing strategies, a potential investor can have a clear picture of the company and can apply the information in making an effective decision on whether to invest in it or not. The business strategies addressed in the paper that are adopted by Apple are product development and product proliferation approaches. The marketing strategies addressed are Apple’s segmentation, target market and positioning strategies as well as the company’s marketing mix. Based on the analysis, Miguel and his co-workers can make wise decisions on whether their c ompany, Tech-Shield, should invest in Apple Inc. Table of Contents Summary ii Table of Contents iii Apple Inc. 1 1.0 Background 1 2.0 Business Strategy 1 Figure 1.0 Use of iTunes 2 Figure 2.0 Some of Apple’s innovative products 3 3.0 Market Strategy 5 3.1 Segmentation, Target Market and Positioning 5 3.2 Marketing Mix 6 3.2.1 Product 6 3.2.2 Price 7 3.2.3 Place 8 3.2.4 Promotion 8 Figure 3.0 Strategy of Promotions 9 4.0 Summary of SWOT Analysis 9 Table 1.0 Apple’s SWOT Analysis 9 5.0 Conclusion 10 6.0 Work cited 12 List of Figures Figure 1.0 Use of iTunes 2 Figure 2.0 Some of Apple’s innovative products 3 Figure 3.0 Strategy of Promotions 9 List of Tables Table 1.0 Apple’s SWOT Analysis 9 Apple Inc. 1.0 Background Apple Inc. is a leading multinational corporation that produces computers, computer software, commercial servers and consumer electronics. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple was founded in 1979 by Steve Jobs and his colleagues. The co mpany has developed a huge portfolio of products, which have successfully penetrated the global market, such as Mac line of computers, iPhone series, iPad series and iPod series among others (Lamido, 2013). Apple Inc. operates in a highly competitive market comprising of well-established manufacturers of consumer accessories and electronics, such as IBM, HP, Dell, Microsoft, Toshiba, Samsung, Nokia, LG and Google. Arguably, the high level of competition has prompted Apple Inc. to intensify its business and marketing efforts in the recent years. Among other efforts, the company’s efficient business and marketing strategies have steered at to attain leadership in the global market (Katie, 1). Arguably, any factor that may influence the performance of an organization in the future is of fundamental interest to potential investors. This paper addresses the business and marketing strategies of Apple as the principal among the factors that will influence its performance in the futu re. The paper aims at giving a clear picture of the performance of Apple in the two areas to Miguel and his co-workers so that they can make a wise decision on whether their company, Tech-Shield, should invest in Apple Inc. 2.0 Business Strategy Apple Inc. has been using a combination of product development and product proliferation strategies to gain a competitive edge in the global market (Besanko, Dranove and Shanron, 47). Product development refers to the process of innovating new or better products or services to replace old ones (O’Grady, 37). Apple has attained leadership in its target market mainly through continuous innovation of unique products. Apple created iPods and iTunes and by 2003, it had made them available in Microsoft Windows version. Consequently, demand for these products skyrocketed and propelled the revenue for the company to
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Business Ethics and SRI Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Ethics and SRI - Literature review Example This emerging phenomenon is known as Socially Responsible Investment (Hicks,2003; Schueth, 2003) Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), also known as ethical investment, is an investment discipline that in addition to the risk and returns issues in investment, takes into account social or environmental issues. The difference between SRI and conventional investment is the employment of specific investment strategies. The purpose of such strategies is to select or exclude certain assets from investment portfolio. (Renneboog et al., 2008,p. 1723). It simply means that conventional investment strategies are considered naturalâ€â€having financial return on investment at the core. However, SRI strategies are either socially sensitive or socially dictating(Hicks,2003; Schueth, 2003) SRI has three major distinctive techniques, which may overlap or follow one another. These are screening, activism, and cause-based investment( Spark and Cowton,2004; Vivers, 2007) . Further, SRI may be carr ied out at individual as well as institutional level. Individuals normally develop mutual funds whereas institutions execute it through charitable foundations and pension funds. Since its modern emergence, SRI, its strategies, its terminology and its definition have been under strong debates ( Spark and Cowton,2004; Schueth, 2003 Hicks,2003). ... At the end of this review , I shall present the growing importance of SRI at international level. 2. Definition and basic terminology 2.1. Business Ethics In current literature of business ethics, there are two major streams. One expects that business shall not be immoral enterprise and the second that consider the morality and self-interest at certain point sometime are opposite. ( Hicks,2003). The first group assume that business is amoral whereas second argue that if it is amoral it is immoral ( Hicks,2003).In current stream of business ethics literature second group is becoming dominant and either calls for the practice of personal values or even urges the investors to play an active role for the implementation of those values into the businesses.( Hicks,2003; Schueth, 2003, Vivers, 2007). 2.2. SRI and Other Terms There are various terms representing the concepts of business ethics. For instance, "Socially Responsible Investing" , "social investing," "socially aware investing," " ethical investing," "mission-based investing," and "double-bottom line investing.". These terms has been used interchangeably in literature (Pan and Mardfin ,2001; Schueth, 2003;Spark and Cowton,2004). However the two most common terms are â€Å"ethical investing†and â€Å"Socially Responsible Investment†(Spark and Cowton,2004, p 46). Term â€Å"ethical investment†is relatively older one and it reflects the fact that the movement was initially religiously motivated and churches played a vital role in the development of earliest ethical funds in UK, USA and Australia(Schueth, 2003; Spark and Cowton,2004). Later on, the term has gradually been replaced by Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). Many people have reservation on the use of
Monday, September 9, 2019
Self-awareness and Career Management (Assignment) Essay
Self-awareness and Career Management (Assignment) - Essay Example Meanwhile, I will undertake the MBTIÂ ® Step I Qualifying Programme and also take the suitable course from ICA in order to get closer to my goal of being a highly smart and competent accounting person. Measurable Immediately after my graduation I would seek to find employment in the accounts function of a small organization under their graduate scheme. I lack work experience in accounts, hence, the chances of large multinational organizations declining my application would be very high. Therefore, I would still apply to small or medium sized organizations even in the capacity as a trainee or junior executive in accounts department. After working for a period of 12 to 18 months in a small or medium sized organization whilst sharpening my skills in accounts, I would venture out in search of employment in a multinational organization in the capacity of Accounts Manager. I would also strive to attend at least 6 public workshops during the next year in order to gain exposure and understa nding of the accounting process and maintaining of accounts ledgers. Attainable The immediate goal would be to find work experience in the field of Accounts Management. Within the first three months after graduation my attempt would be to equip myself with the suitable experience (minimum of 12-18 months) within the Accounts function. Furthermore, my skills with English language and information need to be improved. One such skill that needs improving is the proficiency with excel spreadsheets as it would be important in maintaining a large database of accounts and presenting charts and diagrams on project schedules. I will join the Brookes Entrepreneurs club and also the Oxford Entrepreneurs club in order to expand my network with both compatible and diverse individuals, thereby increasing my prospect of navigating myself into accounting function. Realistic During the Christmas break, I will purchase a CD that teaches how to use Microsoft Office tools more proficiently in order to b e armed at managing databases of accounts. I will do more research on the current accounting job market and make an appointment with the Careers and Advice centre and speak with a careers advisor on making my CV more attractive to prospective employers. Furthermore, interview skills will also be needed to be reviewed with my Careers advisor. Upon graduation, I would venture out in search of employment in Accounts Management graduate trainee level or even at a junior or trainee level. Timely I would aim at achieving my skills with information (Microsoft office tools) within the next one month (during the Christmas break). I would also join the Brookes Entrepreneurs society and the Oxford Entrepreneurs society within the next two weeks. Furthermore, I would aim at finding employment in the capacity of an Accounts graduate trainee or a trainee executive within the first three months after graduation. Thereafter, I would set out to take the MBTIÂ ® Step I Qualifying Programme after 18 months of employment. 12 months preceding the MBTIÂ ® Step I Qualifying Programme, I would follow the ICA Training Course. Within three to four years from now, I would aim to be a Senior Accounting Officer (or within an equal or higher position) in a reputed company ultimately with the objective of joining Qatar Petroleum as a Senior Accounts
Sunday, September 8, 2019
CQ Rescue Organizations Campaign Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
CQ Rescue Organizations Campaign - Assignment Example The purpose of these tactics is to introduce to the potential sponsors, the role CQ Rescue is playing in saving precious lives as well as provoking their interest in mutual ventures like the promotion of their businesses by offering them enhanced exposure in return for their financial contributions to CQ Rescue. This plan also contains a detail of the expected budget; the expenses shown in the budget are further split into two months i.e. July 2014 & August 2014 to provide an idea of the anticipated expenses for the months during which the campaign is intended to last. The campaign will start on 1st July 2014 and end on 31st August 2014. To gain an idea of the success of the organization’s developed plan, certain vital parameters are selected to measure the success or failure effectively. It is hoped that the implementation of this plan will bring forth additional funding for the organization to make possible the assistance of people who need emergency transport services in ti mes of need. RACQ CQ Rescue is a community helicopter rescue service with an operating base in Mackay on the Central Queensland Coast of Australia. It aims to provide vital medical care to seriously injured patients in Mackay and often critically ill patients who need urgent transport from this region to Townsville. The staffs of CQ Rescue consist of four pilots, four aircrewmen and two rescue crewmen. RACQ CQ Rescue and Queensland Ambulance Service work together to provide an Intensive Care Paramedic being made available to fly with the RACQ CQ Rescue crew 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a Community Helicopter Provider, RACQ CQ Rescue relies heavily on the community to provide funding for operational purposes. These funds are sourced from sponsorships, business donations, workplace giving programs, annual appeals, bequests, and fundraising events. At this point in time, CQ Rescue is facing difficulties in acquiring sufficient funding for its operational purposes. Â
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Response question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Response question - Essay Example He discusses the healthy food of Asia but since they are following the U.S then who is left for us to look up to? No doubt his video is informative but due to lack of guidance about the lifestyle and diet it deviates from the main topic. Had he told about the correct diet and provided a chart of healthy food it would have served for the right purpose. Obesity is becoming common and has deformed the human figure in the past few decades. In this way we are moving forward to devolvement. The children are fed on junk and processed foods. They consume all the foods that are unhealthy from the age that is vulnerable and they become use to it. They refuse to intake the home made food and rely more on the take away foods. Though Ornish has not mentioned the reasons of obesity and did not talk about the prevention, however this is one of the common reasons. As obesity is common among people and they do not pay any heed to it and as a result they are unaware of the consequences. His video fails to provide the methods of prevention. Exercise can help a great deal in losing weight and getting rid of the obese figure. He does not talk about the life style either. These missing points make his video lacking in this very important aspect. He should have guided the people about the proper diet and lifestyle that are required in the prevention of the fatal
Friday, September 6, 2019
Those Who Came and Followed Him Essay Example for Free
Those Who Came and Followed Him Essay The Gospel according to John draws a distinction to the destinies of Simon Peter and John the Apostle whom Jesus loves. In resemblance to his teacher who is in the person of Jesus Christ, Simon Peter’s life is a testament that the ultimate expression of love is the sacrifice of one’s own life for the benefit of the one he loves. As for the Apostle whom Jesus loves, John devoted his long life in proclamation of the love of the Heavenly Father through His only Begotten Son. Be that as it may, both disciples served as instruments in spreading the Good News as they lived in faithful accordance to the will of the Father. As recorded history would have it, it is for certain that Simon Peter worked in Rome at the latter his of his earthly life. It was there where he suffered and died as a martyr for being a believer of Jesus Christ (Niswonger, 1992). The death of Simon Peter establishes the historical basis of the Bishops of Rome’s assertion to his apostolic leadership. It was because of his bluntness that he unavoidably found himself in serious disagreement with Jewish powers that be. He had been placed under arrest twice as ordered by the high priests. It has been said that by some miracle he had been unchained from prison and surprised his fellow disciples by unexpectedly arriving on the scene before them. He then spread the Good News in Lydda and Joppa (Ruffin, 1998). In Caesarea, he came to know Cornelius and eventually convinced a Gentile to embrace the Catholic faith (Ruffin, 1998). Having recognized that the Gentiles’ maximum support is crucial for the sect, he facilitated in forming the early guiding principle towards them. As a result of such distinction he was elected Bishop of the See of Antioch (Ruffin, 1998). The idea that Paul was martyred at the time of Nero’s rule is firmly established on the writings of Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria as well as St. Irenaeus (Ruffin, 1998). The epistles he wrote are for those people from Asia Minor who chose to be converted and embraced Christianity. The First Epistle is full of concerns regarding shared kindness, charity, and meekness. Generally, it communicates the Christian duties expected to be practiced at all times. Towards the end, he offers good wishes from the church at Babylon. This is acknowledged as another proof that Paul wrote the letter in Rome, which was then referred to as Babylon (Ruffin, 1998). The Second Epistle cautions against wrong beliefs, tells about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and concludes with a brilliant doxology as it states that the faithful must grow in the love of God for He alone deserves the glory now and forever. The Apostle whom Jesus loves is regarded as the writer of one of the Gospels, the Book of Revelation as well as the Epistles (Ruffin, 1998). It is believed that he spent some time in Patmos though the exact length of his stay has not been recorded. Emperor Domitian of Rome believed that he had been able to silence the affectionate elder (Ruffin, 1998). However, the Emperor’s efforts cannot hinder the plan of the Heavenly Father to allow John to write a book which would form an integral part of the sacred scripture. The book of Revelation conveys the supreme victory over the power of evil by Jesus Christ as God the Savior (Life Application Study Bible NIV, 2005). When all else fails, it is a wonderful encouragement to be know that great things will come to put an end to the sorrows of life on earth. The assurance that in the end, God will reign supreme provides the utmost relief to the soul. The Revelation best concludes the sacred scripture as it imparts the promise of life eternal for those who believe. Old age did not allow John to conduct ministries as he used to. Instead, he sought the help of his brethren to transport him to places where he could spread the Good News (Ruffin, 1998). He has always said that children must love their brothers and sisters (Ruffin, 1998). It was the message he usually imparted. In this light, it forms the greatest expression of his Christian mission. By spreading the word of God, he allowed himself to be filled with the love of his Master, Jesus Christ and taught the faithful the way to salvation.
To what extent is Essay Example for Free
To what extent is Essay We can see this in the novel with Frankensteins professor, he died because ordinary people had very little knowledge of medical that could be provided and what good it would do them, and when trying to give someone a injection to benefit there health, he unfortunately didnt see it like that and stabbed the professor, who died as direct result. The monster we can see is remote and friendless because he is so detestable, ugly and abhorrent, people attack him when they see him, and his only friends didnt know that he existed, till they too saw him and attacked him. He explains this to Frankenstein when they meat, solitude was my only consolation-deep dark, deathlike solitude Using alliteration to stress the solitude. The third main character that we see is again lonely because she is left behind for years at a time when Frankenstein if off creating his monsters. We feel great sympathy for Elizabeth, who is portrayed as pure, aerial and racial beautiful. Her hair was the brightest living gold her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness This is where we first hear of Elizabeth, where she stands out from all the other children because she is so innocent and pure. writes in a feminist slant when Elizabeth is concerned, this could be influence from her mother Mary Woolstonecraft who was a feminist. As in most gothic genres writings there is a twist, when Frankenstein meats with the monster, the reader expects the monster to be vicious and violent, with Frankenstein composed and collected, however the opposite is true. Be gone vile insect! Or rather, stay, that I may trample you to dust is said by Frankenstein when enraged, but the monster is not shocked by this and stays calm and answers with great intelligence, to the extent that the monster even tries to calm Frankenstein Be calm! I entreat you to hear me before you give vent to your hatred on my devoted head Here we see a total character switch and not something the reader would expect. Leading on from this language also plays a important role as the monster has to learn to read, rite and become intelligent again which is not something you would expect from a typical monster. So communication is important as the monster learns to get across his views to Frankenstein and therefore request a feminine partner. (Needs more) The setting of Frankenstein both starts and ends in the same place, which is typically cold, dark and lonely stretched our in every direction, vast plains of ice which seemed to have no end, this ties in well with the gothic genre as well as the romantic period as there are many descriptions of nature and the setting outside. The weather the reader sees has a large impact on the setting and Pathetic fallacy has a large impact on the weather. Whenever the monster comes to clam a victim the weather mirrors the mood and normally the weather takes the form of a fierce storm Flash of lightning illuminated the object and discovered its shape plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy demon to whom had given life. this is yet another trait of the gothic genre. The atmosphere in this novel is typical to a large extent of the gothic genre, suspense is built up all over the book. Most of the chapters in the book are left on cliff-hangers making the reader want to know more. Suspense is also greatly built up around the death of Victors friend, Henry Clerval, the reader knows that someone has died but for some time we dont know who it is. There is also a lot of suspense built up around the fact Frankenstein new there was more suffering to come. I wondered like an evil spirit, for I had committed deeds of mischief beyond description and more much more was yet behind This leaves the reader feeling that you want to know what is the much more that he talks about. I think Mary Shellys novel of Frankenstein is to a great extent typical of the gothic genre, it has a lot of the techniques used by gothic writers and uses a lot of the affects. However the novel is not totally typical of the gothic era because there is no proper good verses evil, the monster is meant to be evil but we as the reader feel far more sympathy for the monster and less to Frankenstein. Frankenstein is the protagonist and main character so we are typically meant sympathise with him, but the novel looses the gothic edge when we start hearing things from the monsters view and so start to feel sorry for him, and roles switch like they did when the monster and Frankenstein met the reader does not really know who to sympathise with towards the end. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Patterns in River Flow Data
Patterns in River Flow Data Introduction The hydrologic response of a watershed is based on interactions between landscape characteristics and climatic characteristics input; as the soil property descriptors, geomorphologic descriptors, geologic descriptors and land use varies among different watersheds, the watersheds could respond very differently to precipitation (Mohamoud, 2004). The main aim of this coursework is to assess the impact of recent climate change on river flow; to uncover its significance in affecting river flow by analysing and comparing river flow records from National River Flow Archive, and to highlight and assess the differences in the hydrologic response to climate change of the three chosen rivers with contrasting characteristics, located in the UK. The three rivers chosen to be analysed includes the East Avon, the River Dove and the River Greta, all with natural catchments (natural to within 10% at Q95), with no known major artificial changes to the catchment that would influence the flow of the rivers, in order to attempt to focus solely on the effect of climate change (CEH, n.d.). The catchments examined all similar in size: 83000m2 for River Dove at Izaak Walton, located in central England; 86100m2 for Greta at Rutherford Bridge, located in north- east England; 85800m2 for East Avon at Upavon, located in south- west England (CEH, n.d.). Figure 1 showing the locations of the three gauging station on three separate maps of the UK (CEH, n.d.) Apart from the differences in location (figure 1.), there are also contrasting catchment characteristics. East Avon at Upavon predominantly consists of 64.5% of upper greensand and lower chalk of 27%; the remaining 8.5% consists of middle chalk, upper chalk, clay, as well as gault, plus river gravel and alluvium at the bottom of the valley (CEH, n.d.). In comparison, the Greta at Rutherford Bridge catchment is known to be steep, and it mainly consists of millstone grit (CEH, n.d.). Finally, in contrast, Dove at Izzak Walton is known to be long and narrow (CEH, n.d.). It mainly consists of mudstone, millstone grit and sandstone, with underlying carboniferous limestone forming the left hand watershed (CEH, n.d.). When looking at the catchment statistics in relation to the geology, East Avon’s catchment consists of 40.3% of high permeability bedrock, with 59.7% moderate permeability bedrock (CEH, n.d.). In contrast, Greta and Dove’s catchment consists of 100% of moderate p ermeability bedrock (CEH, n.d.). Besides the obvious difference in geology, the sites also vary differently in terms of their climatic characteristics, as shown in table 1.1, 1.2 1.3, and finally, land cover also varies among the three river catchments, as shown in table 2 (Met Office, n.d.; CEH, n.d.). Table 1.1 averages table showing climate data for the England SE Central S District, which covers period 1981-2010 (Met Office, n.d.) Table 1.2 averages table showing climate data for the Midlands District, which covers period 1981-2010(Met Office, n.d.) Table 1.3 averages table showing climate data for the England E NE District, which covers period 1981-2010(Met Office, n.d.) Table 2- Catchment statistics of Land Cover for each of the three catchments (CEH, n.d.). Methodology The river flow data obtained from these three gauging stations, between the year of 1973 and 2013 were used for analysis. In order to observe and identify flow pattern for each of the chosen sites, as well as to identify any change in the hydrological regime of the three rivers due to recent climate change at the sites, the three sets of river flow data from National River Flow Archive (NRFA) was first imported on to a spread sheet, where the flow measurement/ reading of each river were sorted in to order, according to the hydrological date of the measured flow. The data was then plotted as follows: Discharge vs. time Monthly flow vs. time A flow duration curve for flow frequency analysis Mean discharge vs. Hydrological year Julian date Next, visual inspection of the graphs was carried out, and the graphs produced for each river were directly compared to assess how seasonal and time – series patterns of flow differ across the three sites, and to determine whether all three sites showed the same pattern of flow through time. Results and Discussion In order illustrate the seasonal river flow pattern in the three catchments; figure 2 shows hydrographs for the three rivers. The location of these catchments is shown in figure 1, and characteristics are presented in the introduction. Upon inspecting the hydrographs, the following observations were made (points of reference are labelled as A on the hydrographs): East Avon’s mean discharge peaks at 1.17 m3s-1, on day 130 Greta’s mean discharge peaks at 6.81 m3s-1, on day 69 Dove’s mean discharge peaks at 3.35 m3s-1, on day 82 Figure 2-Hydrographs for three rivers, showing the mean discharge vs Hydrological year Julian date, plus a graph for comparison between the rivers’ mean discharge over days According to a study on UK river flow regimes, Hannaford et al. (2012) had suggested that UK river flow regimes can be considered temperate precipitation/evapotranspiration dominated, rather than snowmelt dominated. This means that the seasonal cycle will be mainly driven by evapotranspiration, leading to higher flows in winter and lower flows in summer, with the spring and autumn as transition seasons (Hannaford et al., 2012). When referring back to the peak discharge observations above, all three rivers conformed to the same general pattern, as day 82, 69 130- the days where the mean discharge has reached the peak for the three river all lies within the winter period, indicating that the flow will be high during winter days. Furthermore, the hydrographs also shows that, for all three rivers, the mean discharge appeared to be relatively low, and have all remained low between day 280 -320 for all three rivers (section B on the hydrographs), during the summer period. Figure 3- Monthly Discharge vs. Hydrological Year Date graph for all three rivers, with a secondary axis corresponding to the mean monthly discharge curve In terms of the consistency of the flow, figure 3 shows East Avon’s maximum minimum curve, and its mean curve look very similar- the curves are almost overlapping one another which shows a low fluctuation in flow. This suggests that the flow of the river is very consistent. In contrast, the other two rivers have less consistency. This can be observed when comparing the max, min and mean curve in Dove’s graph- the general shape of the curves are very similar to one another, yet there are a few points in the graph where there are some very noticeable differences, where the mean curve tend to have a greater fluctuation and peaks at higher discharge points compared to the other two curves, thus showing that it is generally consistent, but the consistency is lower compared to East Avon. Finally, Greta’s corresponding graph displays great fluctuation; although both max and mean curves are both similar and conforms to a similar pattern, it is clear that the min curve l ooks a lot flatter, with a pattern that is not very similar to the other two curves within the graph. This indicates that Greta’s consistency between years is relatively poor. Although all three river exhibit similar seasonal flow patterns, there are still notable difference in their response time. The occurrence of lag time and the difference between the response times of the three sites can be explained by the difference in the catchment’s physical characteristics and its underlying geology. When referring back to the peak discharge data, East Avon displays a lagged response, peaking at day 130, as opposed to peaking at days closer to 82 and 69 (days of which Dove and Greta reached its peak). This significant variation can caused by East Avon’s catchment geology, as it consists of 40.3% of high permeability bedrock, with 27% of chalk in the catchment, as opposed to 0% of high permeability bedrock in the other two catchments; the high permeability bedrock and the highly permeable chalk means that groundwater storage plays a significant role in effecting the runoff regime of the East Avon catchment, which lead to East Avon’s discharge peaking at around February, towards the end of the winter period, as opposed to peaking towards the start of the winter period, like the other two rivers have. Next, in order to illustrate the reason behind Greta’s earlier peak, in comparison to Dove’s later peak at day 82 (figure 2), the physical feature of both catchments must be examined in detail. Both catchments have an identical percentage of moderate permeability bed rock, and both are similar due to the fact that the catchments both consist of Millstone Grit. However, the topography are significant different between the two catchments. Since Greta’s catchment is significantly steeper when compared to the Dove’s catchment, as illustrated in figure 6 and table 3, Greta will have a more responsive regime compared to Dove due to a quick run- off rate of precipitation. This could also provide an explanation to why the mean discharge curve in the Greta hydrograph is subjected to a greater level of daily variation in comparison to the other two sites and their respective hydrographs. Figure 4- Flow duration curves for all three sites, with an additional graph (bottom graph) combing the Q* data (Discharge Ratio where Q*= Q/Q50) of three sites for comparison- note that scale of Q* is in Logarithmic Scale (Base:10) Figure 5- Flow duration curves for all three sites, with an additional graph (bottom graph) combing the Q* data (Discharge Ratio where Q*= Q/Q50) of three sites for comparison- the scale of Q* has been adjusted to go from 0-6 for comparison Additionally, figure 4 shows that Greta’s curve has the steepest slope, followed by Dove, and then by East Avon with the flattest slope. The observations mirrored those findings above precisely; Greta’s steepest slope indicates a highly variable river, and the flow mainly consists of direct runoff (Searcy, 1959). In contrast, curves with a flatter slope (e.g. East Avon with the flattest curve) which means they have a more constant flow, and can signify the existence of surface and/or groundwater storage – in East Avon’s case, highly permeable chalk acts as storage for water, which equalized the flow of the river (Searcy, 1959). Furthermore, in figure 5, the graph also provides information on the three rivers’ frequencies of very high flows and very low flows. When employing the parameters of Q*=5 for high flow, and Q*=0.2 for low, the curves shows that Greta exhibits a significantly lower proportion of time flow lower than the Q* of 5, whereas the c urves for Dove and East Avon are very similar, with a much higher proportion of time flow less than Q* of 5, meaning that high flows occurs a lot less frequently in Dove Avon in comparison to Greta. In terms of low flow, three rivers are all dissimilar in their frequency of low flow. Greta’s proportion of flow less than 0.5 is ≈0.02, whilst Dove’s proportion is ≈0.16, with East Avon’s proportion is ≈0.34. East Avon’s higher proportion of time flow less than 0.5 means that the occurrence of low flow is more frequent in East Avon, and in comparison, Dove has got a relatively lower frequency of low flow, and Greta with the lowest frequency of low flow over the years within the sample period. Table 3- Elevation data for Greta and Dove’s catchment (CEH, 2014) Figure 6-Elevation Map of England. This map shows the significant difference in elevation between the North of England and the South of England. (Windpower Program, n.d) As seen in figure 7, the flows of all three rivers do seem to conform to a similar pattern over time, with no significant changes in the temporal pattern and frequencies of flood/ droughts. However, upon further inspection, the graph shows that the magnitude of the floods for all three rivers had increased over time; the high flow peaks have seemed to be higher in more recent years. This phenomenon can possibly be explained by global climate change; as global temperature increase, this leads to an increase in water vaporing the atmosphere. As suggested by Milly et al. (2002 cited Das et al, 2013), Kunkel et al. (2013 cited Das et al., 2013) and Trenberth (1999 cited Das et al, 2013), storms are likely to yield more extreme peak precipitation rates, which can lead to more intense floods around the globe (Groisman et al., 2005 cited Das et al, 2013). However, although the trend identified above is consistent with climate change, it is also consistent with variability driven North Atlan tic Oscillation (Hannaford, 2013). With the significant knowledge gap in the understanding of long term multi-decadal variability in flow driven by NAO, along with the lack of long term flow data available for this report, it will be premature to attribute specific steam flow trends to anthropogenic climate change (Hannaford, 2013). Figure 7- Hydrograph showing change in river discharge between 1973- 2012 Summary Conclusion In conclusion, river flow regimes of the three assessed rivers are heavily dependent on catchment geological characteristics and climate. Climate plays a major role in effecting the flow, as the relatively temperate climate in England meant that the dominant factor in effecting flow regimes are precipitation/ evapotranspiration, which leads to the occurrence in flow variation between seasons as rate of evapotranspiration varies. In relation to climate, among the three rivers, there were observed changes in peak flow and flood magnitude over time, which global climate change might be responsible for, as it can lead to precipitation extremes, which in turns lead to more run-off and higher river flow. Besides that, variation in geology also contributes to the difference in hydrology of each river, as groundwater storage can affect the rate of run- off, which in turns affects the flow and the response of the three rivers. Finally, anthropogenic influences can affect flow regime of rivers (Schneider et al, 2013). However, there is no significant evidence to show how these had modified the flow of the rivers. Reference Centre for Ecology Hydrology (n.d) 43014- East Avon at Upavon. National River Flow Archive. [Map , Catchment Description Flow Record] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 07/11/2014) Centre for Ecology Hydrology (n.d) 28046 Dove at Izaak Walton.. National River Flow Archive. [Map , Catchment Description Flow Record] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 07/11/2014) Centre for Ecology Hydrology (n.d) 25006 Greta at Rutherford Bridge. National River Flow Archive. [Map , Catchment Description Flow Record] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 07/11/2014) Groisman, P.Y.; Knight, R.W.; Easterling, D.R.; Karl, T.R.; Hegerl, G. ; Razuvaev, V.A.N. (2005) Trends in intense precipitation in the climate record. Journal of Climate, vol 18, no. 9, 1326-1350. Cited in Das, T; Maurer, E. P.; Pierce, D. W.; Dettinger, M.D.; Cayan, D.R. (2013) Increases in flood magnitudes in California under warming climates.Journal of Hydrology501, 101-110. Hannaford, J (2013) Observed long- term changes in Uk river flow patterns: a review. A climate change Report car for water. Hannaford, J.; Buys, G. (2012) Trends in seasonal river flow regimes in the UK. Journal of Hydrology, 475. 158-174. Kunkel, K.E.; Karl, T.R.; Easterling, D.R.; Redmond, K.; Young, J.; Yin, X, Hennon, P. (2013) Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and climate change Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 Cited in Das, T; Maurer, E. P.; Pierce, D. W.; Dettinger, M.D.; Cayan, D.R. (2013) Increases in flood magnitudes in California under warming climates.Journal of Hydrology501, 101-110. Table 1. Met Office (no date) UK climate – District England SE Central S [Table/ Data] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 08/11/2014) Table 1. Met Office (no date) UK climate District Midlands [Table/ Data] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 08/11/2014) Table 1. Met Office (no date) UK climate District England E NE [Table/ Data] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 08/11/2014) Milly, P.C.D.; Wetherald, R. T.; Dunne, K.A.; Delworth T.L. (2001) Increasing risk of great floods in a changing climate Nature, 415 (2002), pp. 514–517. Cited in Das, T; Maurer, E. P.; Pierce, D. W.; Dettinger, M.D.; Cayan, D.R. (2013) Increases in flood magnitudes in California under warming climates.Journal of Hydrology501, 101-110. Mohamoud, Y. (2004) Comparison of hydrologic responses at different watershed scales: EPA Report EPA/600/R-04/103 Searcy, J .K . (1959), Flow-duration curves : U .S . Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1542-A Schneider,C.; Laizà ©,C.L.R.; Acreman,M.C.; Flà ¶rke,M. (2013) How will climate change modify river flow regimes in Europe?, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 325-339 Trenberth, K.E. (1999) Conceptual framework for changes of extremes of the hydrological cycle with climate change Climate Change, 42 (1999), pp. 327–339. Cited in Das, T; Maurer, E. P.; Pierce, D. W.; Dettinger, M.D.; Cayan, D.R. (2013) Increases in flood magnitudes in California under warming climates.Journal of Hydrology501, 101-110. Figure 6. Windpower Program (no date) Estimating mean wind speed. [Map] Retrieved from (Last accessed on 08/11/2014)
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