Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Superlative Forms of Modifiers - Definition and Examples
Superlative Forms of Modifiers s The superlative is the form or degree of an adjective or adverb that indicates the most or the least of something. Superlatives are either marked by the suffix -est (as in the fastest bike) or identified by the word most or least (the most difficult job). Almost all one-syllable adjectives, along with some two-syllable adjectives, add -est to the base to form the superlative. In most adjectives of two or more syllables, the superlative is identified by the word most or least. Not all adjectives and adverbs have superlative forms. After a superlative, in or of a noun phrase can be used to indicate what is being compared (as in the tallest building in the world and the best time of my life). Exercises and Quizzes Exercise in Using the Comparative and Superlative Forms of AdjectivesPractice in Forming the Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adverbs Examples and Observations This is the saddest story I have ever heard.(Ford Maddox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1915)The [New York City] subway is a gift to any connoisseur of superlatives. It has the longest rides of any subway in the world, the biggest stations, the fastest trains, the most track, the most passengers, the most police officers. It also has the filthiest trains, the most bizarre graffiti, the noisiest wheels, the craziest passengers, the wildest crimes.(Paul Theroux, Subterranean Gothic. Granta, 1984)[O]f all forms of tyranny, the least attractive and most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth.(Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography, 1913)Bart Simpson: This is the worst day of my life.Homer Simpson: The worst day of your life so far.(The Simpsons Movie, 2007)In one second, without any previous training or upbringing, he had become the wettest man in Worcestershire.​​ (P.G. Wodehouse, Very Good, Jeeves, 1930)I responded in what I thought was the most truthfulor least untruthfulmanner, by saying no.(James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, explaining why he told Congress in March 2013 that the National Security Agency doesnt intentionally collect data on millions of Americans) To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.(Arthur Conan Doyle)[T]he newspaper business, despite its many flaws, managed to do a lot of good. And it employed, in its newsrooms, the smartest, hardest-working, funniest, quirkiest, most cynical and at the same time idealistic group of borderline insane people Ive ever known.(Dave Barry, Ill Mature When Im Dead. Berkley, 2010)It is turning out to be the most beautiful, most quiet, largest, most generous, sky-vaulted summer Ive ever seen or knowninordinately blue, with greener leaves and taller trees than I can remember, and the sound of the lawnmowers all over this valley is a sound I could hum to forever. (Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist. Simon Schuster, 2009)The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. (William James) Double Comparatives and Superlatives Speakers of vernacular dialects often use double comparatives and superlatives such as more higher and most fastest. Although such constructions may seem redundant or even illogical, in reality both standard and nonstandard varieties of all languages are replete with such constructions. In English the redundant comparative dates back to the 1500s. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, suffixes, rather than a preceding more or most, almost always marked the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, regardless of word length. In the Early Modern English period . . . [double markings were commonly used to indicate special emphasis, and they do not appear to have been socially disfavored.​ (comparative, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., 2000) Unusual Superlatives Make sure your gathering is the meatiest, cheesiest, feastiest ever with our platters, cold subs, salads, snacks, and desserts. (Firehouse Subs, Savannah, Georgia)- Another of Springfield’s belovedest citizens has been murdered. (Kent Brockman in The Simpsons) Pronunciation: soo-PUR-luh-tiv
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How Donald Trump Won - The 2016 Presidential Race
How Donald Trump Won - The 2016 Presidential Race Voters and political scientists will debate how Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016. The businessman and political novice stunned the world by winning a presidential election most analysts and voters believed had firmly been in the hands of Hillary Clinton, who had far more experience in government and had run a more orthodox campaign. Trump ran his campaign in the most unconventional of ways, insulting large swaths of potential voters and shunning the traditional support from his own political party. Trump won at least 290 electoral votes, 20 more than the 270 needed to become president, but got more than 1 million fewer actual votes than Clinton did, reigniting the debate over whether the U.S. should scrap the Electoral College. Trump became only the fifth president to be elected without winning the popular vote. The others were Republicans George W. Bush in 2000, Benjamin Harrison in 1888 and Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, and Federalist John Quincy Adams in 1824. So how did Donald Trump win the presidential election by insulting voters, women, minorities, and without raising money or relying on support from the Republican Party? Here are 10 explanations for how Trump won the 2016 election. Celebrity and Success Trump portrayed himself through the 2016 campaign as a successful real-estate developer who created tens of thousands of jobs. I’ve created tens of thousands of jobs and a great company, said during one debate. In a separate speech, Trump proclaimed his presidency would create job growth like you’ve never seen. I’m very good for jobs .In fact, I will be the greatest president for jobs that God ever created. Trump runs dozens of companies and serves of numerous corporate boards, according to a personal financial disclosure he filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics when he ran for president. He has said he is worth as much as $10 billion, and though critics suggested he is worth much less Trump projected an image of success and was one of the most well known brands in the county. It also didnt hurt that he was host and producer of NBC’s hit reality series The Apprentice. High Turnout Among Working-Class White Voters This is the big story of the 2016 election. Working class white voters- men and women alike- fled the Democratic Party and sided with Trump because of his promise to renegotiate trade deals with countries including China and levy stiff tariffs on goods imported from these countries. Trumps position on trade was seen as a way to stop companies from shipping jobs overseas, though many economists pointed out taxing imports would drive up costs to American consumers first. His message resonated with white working-class voters, especially those who live in former steel and manufacturing towns. Skilled craftsmen and tradespeople and factory workers have seen the jobs they loved shipped thousands of miles away, Trump said at a rally near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Immigration Trump promised to essentially lock down the borders to prevent terrorists coming in, an appeal to white voters who were not necessarily worried about crimes being committed by undocumented immigrants by jobs being filled by them. What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers. We have a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate, Trump said. Trumps position contrasted starkly with Clintons position on illegal immigration. James Comey and the FBIs October Surprise A scandal over Clintons use of a personal email server as secretary of State had dogged her through early parts of the campaign. But the controversy appeared to be behind her in the waning days of the 2016 election. Most national polls in October and the first days of November showed Clinton leading Trump in the popular vote count; battleground-state polls showed her ahead, too. But 11 days before the election, FBI director James Comey sent a letter to Congress stating he would review emails found on a laptop computer belonging to a Clinton confidant to determined whether they were relevant to the then-closed investigation of her use of the personal email server. The letter cast Clintons election prospects into doubt. Then, two days before Election Day, Comey issued a new statement that both confirmed Clinton did nothing illegal but also brought renewed attention to the case. Clinton directly blamed Comey for her loss after the election. Our analysis is that Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum,†Clinton told donors in a post-election telephone call, according to published reports. Free Media Trump didnt spend a whole lot of money trying to win the election. He didnt have to. His campaign was treated by many major media outlets as a spectacle, as entertainment instead of politics. So Trump got lots and lots of free airtime on cable news and major networks. Analysts estimated Trump had been given $3 billion of free media by the end of the primaries and a total of $5 billion by the end of the presidential election. While free media has long played an important role in our democracy by fostering political discourse and disseminating electoral information, the sheer enormity of coverage on Trump puts a spotlight on how the media may have influenced the course of the election, analysts at mediaQuant wrote in November of 2016. Free of earned media is the widespread coverage he received by major television networks. He also spent tens of millions of dollars of his own money, mostly fulfilling a vow to finance his own campaign so he could portray himself as being free from ties to special interests. I dont need anybodys money. Its nice. Im using my own money. Im not using the lobbyists. Im not using donors. I dont care. Im really rich. he said in announcing his campaign in June 2015. Hillary Clintons Condescension Toward Voters Clinton never did connect to working class voters. Maybe it was her own personal wealth. Maybe it was her status as a political elite. But it most likely had to do with her controversial portrayal of Trump supporters as deplorable. To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it, Clinton said just two months before the election. Clinton apologized for the remark, but the damage was done. Voters who were supporting Donald Trump because they were fearful over their status in the middle class turned solidly against Clinton. Trump running-mate Mike Pence capitalized on Clintons mistake by crystallizing the condescending nature of her remarks. The truth of the matter is that the men and women who support Donald Trumps campaign are hard-working Americans, farmers, coal miners, teachers, veterans, members of our law enforcement community, members of every class of this country, who know that we can make America great again, Pence said. Voters Didnt Want a Third Term for Obama Regardless of how popular Obama was, its incredibly rare for presidents from the same party to win back-to-back terms in the White House, partly because voters become fatigued by a president and his party by the end of eight years. In our two-party system, the last time voters elected a Democrat to the White House after a president from the same party had just served a full term was in 1856, before the Civil War. That was James Buchanan. Bernie Sanders and the Enthusiasm Gap Many- not all, but many- supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders did not come around to Clinton after she won the brutal, and what many thought , rigged, Democratic primary. In a scathing criticism of liberals Sanders supporters who didnt support Clinton in the general election, Newsweek magazines Kurt Eichenwald wrote: Awash in false conspiracy theories and petulant immaturity, liberals put Trump in the White House. Trump won slightly fewer votes than Romney did in 2012- 60.5 million compared with 60.9 million. On the other hand, almost 5 million Obama voters either stayed home or cast their votes for someone else. More than twice as many millennials- a group heavily invested in the â€Å"Sanders was cheated out of the nomination†fantasy- voted third-party. The laughably unqualified Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.3 million votes; those voters almost certainly opposed Trump; if just the Stein voters in Michigan had cast their ballot for Clinton, she probably would have won the state. And there is no telling how many disaffected Sanders voters cast their ballot for Trump. Obamacare and Health Care Premiums Elections are always held in November. And November is open-enrollment time. In 2016, as in previous years, Americans were just getting notice that their health insurance premiums were rising dramatically, including those who were purchasing plans on the marketplace set up under President Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Clinton supported most aspects of the health care overhaul, and voters blamed her for it. Trump, on the other hand, promised to repeal the program.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A thematic analysis of 4 interviews with lesbian prostitutes Essay
A thematic analysis of 4 interviews with lesbian prostitutes - Essay Example All of the women I spoke to were between the ages of 22 and 26; Margaret had been in the business the longest and was 26. Katie was 22, Lenore 23 and Irene was 24. I am not sure whether these were their real names or the names they go by when they go on a job. All for ladies were dressed well and no one would have noticed that they were prostitutes necessarily. They were very clean and well kept and they took their jobs seriously. All four had a clientele of men as well as women saying that it was better to have both "because you wont get paid enough just with women". Each woman had a different idea of this but essentially it was because of the money. My questions consisted of 20 questions that I asked each woman and then there were other questions for clarification (Ive listed questions at the end of this paper). As I went through the transcripts of these women I was struck by how casual and nonchalant they were about the business. I can see that because it is legal in the UK these women may not feel the constraints or the fears that some women would feel in other countries. None of them seemed to be upset with the questions I asked nor did they seem worried that someone would find out about them as we talked. I spent time getting to know each woman so she would feel comfortable talking with me. Each interview was unique and one of the women identified herself as bisexual, though she saw many more women clients than she saw men. Katie was 22 years old and started her career as a prostitute when she was eighteen. She started because she needed to pay for university and had to earn her rent. She was one of the most outspoken in the group. She saw her work as a normal job and she felt that people who understand this are better able to understand her. She had a great sense of humour about it all. Katie identifies her self as a lesbian and she is in a romantic relationship with a woman
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
London underground as a customer role for equipment report Essay
London underground as a customer role for equipment report - Essay Example The tube services a record 270 number of stations which is the largest underground network in the world and also covers around 402 kilometres. Acting as a pioneer in its design, the design of LU has been adopted by several underground networks across the world. Almost 86% of the passenger fares are covered by the tube which makes it stand out as the main traffic tool in the nation (Urbaneye, 2002, p.7). London underground’s customer role for equipments London underground having a relatively old infrastructure should consider prospects of up gradation of its equipments mainly required for comfort, safety and security of their passengers. This raises the role of London underground as a customer for its equipments and subsequent consideration of its equipment reports. The major equipments of London underground are the CCTV camera, ticket machines, support systems for ventilation, emergency alarms, availability of reservations or wheel chairs for senior citizens, handicapped, etc (Kelly, 1999, p.4). As a customer to its equipment report, London underground needs to at its suppliers, competition for the contract of supply of equipments, whether the equipments are customized for the tube and the payment amount for equipments installed. Major suppliers of CCTV for installation in London Underground include market leaders like Panasonic, Sony, Eneo, British Security Industry association, etc. The suppliers need to bid for the contract on London Underground’s decision of installation of new CCTV cameras or up-gradation of the existing system (Source Security, 2013, p.1). The supplier offering the best competitive price and quality of information is awarded with the contract. For example, For example, Sony has installed around 5000 CCTV cameras by 1996. In 2002, a 500 camera system has been installed with a three-room capacity for controlling activity in order to enable LU with monitoring capacity of health and safety of passengers, detection and prevention of crime and closed circuit surveillance. The CCTV surveillance system used in London underground as installed and supplied by Sony are the one’s used for general business surveillance (Glanz and Nacerodien, 1996, P.1). Thus the CCTV system has not been much effective in large underground station in tracking activities like pick-pocketing, bag-snapping, etc. However, the CCTV has been able to detect crime in small underground stations. The effect of CCTV old system wears out with time as offenders learn about their position of tracking. Looking at upgrading the infrastructure, London underground announced a one-billion pound sterling program for station regeneration of which 40 billion pound sterling was spent on CCTV installation in 1997-98. Apart from CCTV, the London underground also installs ticket machines which passengers can use through top up oyster cards. The major supplier of all ticketing machine in London Underground is Cubic Transportations System Inc. The emerg ency alarms are supplied by manufacturers like Vesda and Wagner. In order to upgrade its old transportation system in the face of increasing passengers, London Underground has upgraded its WaterLoo and City line in 2006 with five trains instead of existing four, Victoria line now includes a fleet of 47 higher capacity with better ventilation capacity than before (Fire Systems Ltd, 2013, p.1).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing Nike Essay Example for Free
Marketing Nike Essay Growing up there was one brand that all professional athletes used in my eyes, Nike. The Swoosh, was the icon that all kids had to have, and why not? All the big time players not only had it, but endorsed it. Ads, which had Michael â€Å"Air†Jordan, Bo Jackson, or Wayne Gretsky â€Å"The Great One†doing amazing physical feats, always, motivated the crowds. The Nike company new this, and blasted it marketing campaign through all sorts of media. In this essay I will break down this multi-billion dollar company’s marketing techniques in the areas of: customer value, promotional items, marketing’s four p’s of the marketing mix, the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) approach to market the product, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), environmental trends, the largest customer base, its competitors, and ethical marketing for this corporation both stateside and overseas. Putting these athletes in the ads is just one way to build value for a company. From Ashford universities â€Å"Principle of Marketing†by â€Å"Sara White†We are introduced to marketing with the definition of marketing as â€Å"an activity designed to stimulate exchanges that have value for customers, partners, and society at large†. With this definition of marketing intact the question that still is out pondering is what is value? â€Å"Value was defined as the perceived trade-off between benefits and the sacrifice required to take possession of those benefits†. To break it down further we will look at customer value. Customer value is a title for the cost of a particular trade for the purchaser (buyer) instead of the company (seller). Looking into a selling Nike abroad, whatever a customer may pay in the United States may not be the same overseas. The first thing is to look at is how the current client group influences the market in the states. Nike had a humble start with creators Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight trying to improve on the track shoe of the day. The former â€Å"Blue Ribbon Sports Company†now known as Nike wanted to increase value into their product by having athletes endorses it. So they found the person that they thought would be the best at building future customer value, Steve Prefontaine. During his college time he never lost a race on his home track, and was exposed to national notoriety with is fourth place finish in Munich. This was one of their first successes in marketing. As popularity for their product rose the selected new sports models to display the shoes on the track. This really kicked of the sale of the shoes. Seeing how this success worked at their home setting, taking it to other countries should be no problem. Paving the way with athletes that had above average ability in their field was how Nike struck the marketing campaigned. Finding someone in another country that could spark the same influence over the masses would keep thing on track for Customer value overseas. This would all depend on what country we planned on taken our product to. The last thing that we are going to look at with customer value is the four utilities of customer value. The four utilities are: Form, Time, Place, and Ease of Possession. The form in the four utilities shows what effort Nike puts into their product that makes it desirable. Part of this desire is the quality and showmanship they place in every item. The other part is who they put in their invention. This was very clear in the mid-80 when Nike was the company that took on NBA rookie Michael Jordan, to represent their company’s goals. Being one of the leaders of in business, time is important. Nike put their product out when they need to. They also change it enough to keep things fresh. Time also goes along with place. Not only does the timing of releasing product play a huge role, the place does as well. Lastly, ease of possession is just that, how easy will it be to get the product. Included in this is can I get my item fixed or replaced easily also. With internet available in almost everyone’s pocket from smartphones to tablets getting Nike’s items have become very accessible. With ease of possession we have to look at what trends are working or not, so that we may fix them. Understanding these four utilities just scratches the surface of what we need to know. To be more in-depth with a strategy we must look at the targeting and market mix portion of promoting. In order to utilize the four utilities properly we must look at the STP approach of marketing. This Approach involves segmentation, targeting, and positioning looks at what a byer values. â€Å"Segmentation can be defined as the process of splitting a market into smaller groups with similar product needs or identifiable characteristics, for the purpose of selecting appropriate target markets. Targeting (or target market selection) refers to: An organization’s proactive selection of a suitable market segment (or segments) with the intention of heavily focusing the firm’s marketing offers and activities towards this group of related consumers. And positioning (which is sometimes referred to as product positioning) is: Positioning is the target market’s perception of the product’s key benefits and features, relative to the offerings of competitive products. †With the number of competitors only the rise it is important for an organization to forecast what the consumers buying trends are. Nike, although one of the largest establishments in their field, they still are not untouchable. They have to stay a success by continually improving on the products. Nike leads the way with new technology that innovate all sports. In the late 80’s the introduction of Nike air did this well. Again they launched a promotional campaign that introduced a series of ads by Bo Jackson one of the top athletes at the time. They saw the future of what their clients wanted, Air. It was the first shoe out on the market with air in the sole. Following the marketing targeting set at this point propelled them ahead of their competitors. To stay ahead of the game the implementation of the four P’s is the next tool to evolve business plan. The four P’s that come from the widely used â€Å"marketing mix†developed in the 60’s includes production, price, place and promotion. â€Å"Product: The combination of tangible goods, services, and beliefs offered at a specific price. †To stay on the breaking edge of athletic gear with rivals on your heels they have to produce a â€Å"product†that reaches the masses. The creations did just that, they made it tangible for all with a specific price. â€Å"Price: The amount of money or other consideration a customer must exchange for the offering. †Nikes merchandise because it was ahead of others cost a little more. At the same time they could justify their cost due to the fact the merchandise operated better than anyone else’s. â€Å"Place: The strategy by which a company gets the right goods in the right quantity to the right place. †Because Phil and Bill both had roots on the west coast mainly Oregon, this is where the perfect place to offer the product out of was. Now, a global sensation you can get it from any corner of the world. â€Å"Promotion: The advertising and selling activity a company undertakes to create demand for the offering . †The only real way to endorse this type of product is to show the benefits in different people that use it. This not only sums up the four P’s but gives examples of how it applies to this enterprise. While putting all of these aspects together there has to be a way to track certain trends to be more productive. This can be done by customer relationship management or CRM system. CRM is a good tool to utilize once your product has hit the market. This system tracks the companies’ relationship with the purchaser. The data collected will be from sale and overall marketing . Some items that might be pulled from this information are demographics of the individual buying an item. This is so important to direct and promote ads to those that will actually be utilizing them. When I got my first pair of Nike shoes I was stoked. They were everything that I wanted and more. I was fast to show them to my friends. At that point I would have done anything that Nike asked me to (I was a typical kid). Inside the box was a card and at the time I did not understand what it for. It had questions on it like race, age, sports that I played in at school level†¦etc. This was there way of finding out who is buying their goods. Some places will add in rewards or freebies to get their customer feedback. This information can also give feedback on when to promote certain items so that there will be a larger return. Now that all the information is being tracked and fixed, we can now see how it does abroad. In the 90’s Nike wanted to figure out how to reach an even larger fan base. Soccer was the ticket to gain that popularity not only in one country but almost every country in the world. At the point of taking production to another country the process of building customer value and marketing kind of starts over. Knowing this Nike took players from the World Cup-winning Brazilian National team. They redesigned the uniforms and pulled in some US teams as well . This organization could go a little farther by endorsing other sports as well. One of the most important things about going into other countries with this appeal line is to see what effects it has on the area. From â€Å"Principles of Marketing†by â€Å"White†there are a couple of things that affect the marketing environment. The acts that affect the environment are actors and forces . They both exist in two different categories Micro environment and Macro environment. In Micro-environment actors are individuals like: stockholders, board members, competitors, public, and customers . In this category there are also forces which include: Strategic moves by, competitors, Channel partners, Changes in consumer behavior . Macro- environment deals actors with leaders in Culture/society, Politic, Economics, Technology development, Finance and Law . Forces in Macro-environment are; globalization, Technology and media . Let’s see how this looks with Nike. If Nike is to be a success in other countries they have to know how they are going to affect the environment where they go. They also need to know how other countries can affect them. An example of this would be in the Middle East females are not treated as equals. Therefore it would not be a good idea to start up only female sporting lines there. Another example of how they could be affected by the environment is the culture is different that the US, some countries that would use their product cannot afford American prices. This would cause a new marketing scheme. A good place to start is checking the CRM to see what trends these cultures prefer. So currently who is Nike’s biggest byer? Nike hits such a wide range of sports, from their start in track, to sponsoring golfer Eldrick â€Å"Tiger†Woods. Almost every sport today has some kind of influence from Nike. The largest in today’s market is probably the NFL. The National football league has just signed up Nike to create some new gear for this 2012 – 2013 season. The great thing about Nike is it now has sister labels that produce more than just athletic products. â€Å"A significant event in Cole Haan’s timelines happened in 1988 when Nike acquired Cole Haan . Thence, international flagship stores and more outlets opened making the reach to influence the use of quality and fashionable footwear become broader and wider . †â€Å"Then the technology of Nike Air was incorporated in the design of women’s shoes which made a mark on Cole Haan’s emphasis on providing comfort and protection not only for men but also for women. This was the first at that time and the demand for Cole Haan shoes continued to rise . †Nike seems to be unstoppable but they are only a small percentage of the market. There are so many different shoe companies out there today. If an individual can get it in the States they can get overseas via the internet. A few brands that compete with Nike are: Reebok, Adidas, Asics, and New balance. But they are not close to the company that distributes to over 170 countries. Unfortunately although Nike from the stand point of business is a great company they have a dark side also. Ethics is gaining power in the business world. People are tired of seeing cooperation’s destroy morale of the world and marketing is no different. There is a responsibility to the public to give honest communications and things that are not going further corrupt children mind. A lot of marketers will play to children’s weaknesses. Rebecca Clay wrote an article on advertising to children. The article goes on to explain that children’s psyches are not to the level to decipher fact from fiction. This weakness is exploded and ads well over load kids with ideas of toys and games that they do not need nor should they have. One case of unethical marketing goes deeper than what we can see. It was what was going on behind the curtains. According to†Mail Online†that put out an article on Nike, about the treatment in the converse factory . They continue on to say that the employees are under paid, making around 50 cents an hour. Terminology such as; dog or pig from supervisors are thrown around in a derogatory way. This is a decade after Nike came under fire for their child labor seat shops in Indonesia. Should something be done to this marketing tycoon? Some kind of apology should come to the public not only in America but to the world. This is part of their obligation to the society has a whole. As kids we can be drawn into many different that catch our attention. Mine, like many juveniles was following the dream of growing up to become a professional athlete. It was the lifestyle at the time that seemed effort less. Nike open my eyes to this more than probably any other brand. The slogan†Just do It†was what I needed to pursue my goals. For a while it felt as though they were not just talking about sports but life who knows maybe they are. Whatever it may be there marketing plan from the start of the back of a trunk; to multibillion dollar cooperation is one of the best. Going through the marketing world with Nike we covered the following: customer value, promotional items, marketing’s four p’s of the marketing mix, the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) approach to market the product, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), environmental trends, the largest customer base, its competitors, and ethical marketing for this corporation both stateside and overseas. References: (n. d. ). Clay, R. A. (2000, September). Advertising to children is it ehtical. Retrieved Jan 11, 2013, from American Phychological Association: http://www. apa. org/monitor/sep00/advertising. aspx Fripp, G. (2012). .segmentationstudyguide. Retrieved Jan 14, 2013, from www. segmentationstudyguide. com Reporter, D. M. (2011, July 13). Mail Online. Retrieved Jan 13, 2013, from daily mail: http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2014325/Nike-workers-kicked-slapped-verbally-abused-factories-making-Converse-line-Indonesia. html uknown. (2011). History Heritage . Retrieved 01 10, 2013, from Nike, inc : http://nikeinc. com/pages/history-heritage unknown. (2013). A History of Cole Haan. Retrieved jan 13, 2013, from Shoe metro delivering sole satisfaction: http://www. shoemetro. com/t-history-of-cole-haan. aspx unknown. (2013, jan 13). Forbes: profile and News. Retrieved Jan 2013, 2013, from Forbes. com: http://www. forbes. com/companies/nike/ White, S. (2012). Principles of Marketing. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education,inc.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Matrix Revolutions :: essays research papers
Neo was last found unconscious in the Real World, where his mind has been, in the Matrix World, captured by the Merovingian and taken to a Limbo state-of-mind, between the Real World and the Matrix World. He confronts a program that speaks only of love and religion, something that Neo realizes has never been the case before with a program. He stated that he went back to the Matrix to rescue his daughter, Sati (the last exile before the war between Man and Machine was going to start and end). Based on his karma, he was supposed to return to his world and leave Sati with the Oracle. Trinity and Morpheus were last seen left on the Hammer, one of the ships that were escorted from Zion in search of the Nebuchadneezer (Morpheus' ship), which had just recently exploded. They receive a call from Seraph, and they must meet the Oracle at once. The Oracle is now a different person (Mary Alice has taken the role of the Oracle since the great Gloria Foster had passed away during the production of this movie), yet her link as the Oracle in the Matrix is still very well the same. The movie explains that because of her choice to help Neo and the others, there was a consequence. The Oracle let them know where to find Neo, and he's been held as a prisoner in the Limbo state by the Merovingian. After a brutal attack at a rave party, Neo is rescued, and asked to see the Oracle before all time ran out. The rest of the movie concerns on Neo's quest to the Machine City (because he beleives that's where he needs to go to end this war), and the rest is basically the war; Zion vs Sentinals. It is a brutal battle, where the Sentinals basically slaughter most of Zion's bottleneck warhouse before a final dig into Zion's mainframe, when Neo confronts the Deus
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cause Marketing Essay
As the world progresses towards globalization and markets integrate to enhance global trading, there is a constant increase in the competition among businesses. Marketing is tool that is used by every business in order to create a name for it and promote its brand among the consumers. The non-profit goals to promote the well being of the society and its people are often foregone by businesses during their quest for a larger market share. This paper would be focusing upon cause marketing. This marketing essay would be analyzing two businesses that implement cause marketing. Moreover, it would elaborate the benefits that this scheme provides to a ‘for profit’ business and a non-profit organization. Discussion Cause marketing is basically the mutual effort of two types of organizations with two contradicting objectives. Cause marketing combines the motives of the non profit organizations with the resources of a business. The motive is generally a social or charitable cause that requires large scale marketing. Cause marketing is a distinction from the normal profit oriented market and it is a positive steps towards working for a good cause, benefiting the society and at the same time benefiting the organization. One of the oldest examples of cause marketing would be the relationship that the Boston Red Sox baseball team and the jimmy fund share. Jimmy fund is a charity that supports cancer care and research at the Dana-Farber cancer institute. The jimmy fund and the Red sox have been collaborating for charity events since almost 6 decades and have worked on numerous projects. The jimmy fund/red sox license plates help to raise funds to fight cancer. The money earned from the sale of these license plates adds the amount to charity. This collaboration is one of the most successful and long lasting examples of cause marketing. The jimmy fund has been gathering charity to work on cancer patients with the help of the promotion made through the Red sox team. Conversely, the team has gained a encouraging and heartfelt support from the people and have managed to maintain their self image in a more compassionate and empathetic fashion. Another company that can be taken as an example for cause marketing can be fisher-price. Fisher-price is a company that produces toys for children and infants. It is a well-known and attractive retailer of children toys, baby gear and parenting guides and aims on projecting a friendly and kindhearted image. Since children have an affinity for animals and are naturally fascinated by them, fisher-price has seized this opportunity to collaborate with an organization that protects the wild life and wild places through conducting educational programs and conservation across the globe, the wild life conservation society. Fisher-price carries out this partnership by creating a new line of ‘precious planet’ toys and baby gear. The sale of these items would set aside amount for donation to sustain the wildlife conservation society. With the help of the financial resources from fisher-price, the wildlife conservation society gains the benefit of having an increased capacity to promote their organization and also, to create greater awareness with the support of fisher-price customer-base. On the other hand, fisher-price gains a positive public image and relations. It would provide the company to improve its customer relations and also help it gain perspective on other marketing prospects. Conclusion Cause marketing is a friendly collaboration of the wellbeing of the society and the achievement of business goals. Non-profit organizations often face the problem of creating awareness and promoting their cause but with the help of large scale well established businesses a larger number of people can be reached. Works Cited Adkins, S. Cause related marketing. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. Daw , J. Cause marketing for Nonprofits. Wiley-interscience, 2006.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Memorial Health System Essay
In going through the case study of the Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation it is apparent that the direction of the implementation was developing trouble from the onset of the proposal and the evaluation (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The first problem that is apparent is the lack of belief in the project. When the board approved the CPOE initiative and appointed the champions of the project the CEO Fred Dryer and CIO Joe Roberts there was already opposition from some of the stakeholders about this project. The physician believed the CPOE system would create more workload for them as well as this system reducing the physician to secretaries. To minimize the effect of this indicator a physician would have been appointed as a champion of this project to serve as an advocate of the system (Wager, Glaser, 2009). To gain buy-in from other physicians and user of the new system to ensure they have adequate input into the decision- making process (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The lack of clarity of purpose is apparent in this implementation. The project does not determine the scope and expectations clearly the board approved a multimillion dollar initiative to install an enterprise-wide clinician provider order entry system to reduce medical errors. To minimize this indicator the implementation team must determine the scope of the project and what the organization hopes the project will achieve (Wager, Glaser, 2009). A senior health care executive should meet with the implementation team to set the tone and communicate how the project relates to the organization’s strategic goals (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The team will determine the scope, establish expectations, and institute a project plan to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Insufficient leadership support is another indicator that played a part in the failure of this implementation. When leadership wants to hear positive communication about a project and not the negatives the project will fail. To minimize this indicator clear and concise communication on the progress of the project is necessary the leader involve in the project should make time for reports on the progress of the implementation to handle any issues that may occur that could hinder the progress of the project (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Appointing people who believe and committed to the project into leadership position to lead the team and make time for communication from team and other leadership (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Another issue that was an indicator of failure to this project was the requirements analysis was rushed several key workflow and system integration issues were missed. To minimize this indicator a thorough requirement analysis is done to ensure that all workflow analysis to support the change in workflow and the system requirements analysis to ensure the requirements needed for the system to work are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Budget cut to the project was a big indicator the would lead to failure of this project because in the status review meeting it was presented that the project was on scope, on schedule, and on budget led to leadership taking resources from the CPOE project. It is important the present a true picture of how the project is going not just what someone wants to hear (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Present a clear picture of how the budget is spent and what the project will continue to spend as the implementation goes to completion, such as training, or a newer version of the software (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Showing an account of the budget can help to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). This project was doom from the beginning there was not a clear scope or the expectation of the project. Analysis were not done there was not a detail project plan plus and unrealistic time line for the project to be implemented. Leadership did not communicate enough to persuade the stakeholders who were against the project to change their thoughts and so on. However, for the project to work the objectives of the initiatives are clear and communicating these objectives and initiative, and test the degree to which the organizational members have brought into them. Dividing the project into manageable pieces address the complexity and test the evidence that the project may be at risk from trying to do too much all at once. Reference Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health Care Information System: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). San Frncisco, CA: Jossey-Bas.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abc Apparel Case Essays
Abc Apparel Case Essays Abc Apparel Case Essay Abc Apparel Case Essay ABC Apparel Case | | | | |Questions | | | | | | | |1 |What are the respective amounts and percentages of Materials, Labor, Overhead and Other in total COGS for ABC? | |* Illustrate on an Excel pie chart showing amounts and percentages for each slice. | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2 |What percentage of total COGS is represented by what Mr. Price called full package (purchased finished goods)? | | | | | |â€Å"Finished Garments†represent $647 Million. This assumes the purchased finished goods are supplied freight and duty paid; otherwise, applicable freight and duty| | |costs would have to be added. Note that not all freight and duty can be added to this category, since freight and duty must also support the owned supply chain | | |operations. | | |$647 / $2528 = 25. 6% | | | | |3 |Where do you see the largest opportunities for cost reduction? List your Top 3, with strategies to pursue each one. | | |* Explain your selections. | | |Purchase price or cost of supply (TCO) reductions in purchased finished goods. At 38% of COGS, these represent the largest single opportunity for cost | | |management / reduction. | |Material price reductions (30% of COGS) through supply chain procurement practices. | | |Other Costs. Freight and Duty represent almost 10% of COGS, which is probably ripe for improvement. Evaluate reducing carriers from 4-5 to fewer. | | |Labor – At 20%, Labor is a substantial percentage of cost but has probably already given up the â€Å"low hanging cost fruit†in the relocation to offshore | | |geography, and would probably be difficult to further reduce. | | | | |4 |Which functional areas would you prioritize in your cost reduction efforts? Why? | | | | |Following the same priorities in Question 3: | | |Purchase price or cost of supply (TCO) reductions in purchased finished goods. Apply supply chain procurement practices such as negotiated price reductions, | | |reverse auctions, global sourcing, target costing, centralizing procurement, spend analysis or supplier rationalization. | | |Material price reductions. Apply supply chain procurement practices such as negotiated price reductions, reverse auctions, global sourcing, target costing, | | |centralizing procurement, spend analysis or supplier rationalization. | | |Other Costs Reduction. Freight and Duty represent almost 10% of COGS, which is probably ripe for improvement. | | |Labor Cost Reduction. At 20%, Labor is a substantial percentage of cost but has probably already given up the â€Å"low hanging cost fruit†in the relocation to | | |offshore geography, and would probably be difficult to further reduce. | | | | |5 |Which internal manufacturing processes would you prioritize for improvement? Why? | | |Evaluate moving the textile manufacturing processes (yarn through Fabric Finishing) from US to offshore, preferably close to the cutting operations. If the key | | |materials could be sourced in-region, this would eliminate the cost, risk and lead time of shipping these products from the US to Central America / Caribbean, | | |reducing the high freight costs. | | |Evaluate Supplier Relationship Management programs with Asia garment suppliers. Objective would be to fully identify and reduce â€Å"hidden†costs of supply from | | |this region through collaborative problem-solving and joint incentives (â€Å"gainsharing†) for improved performance. | | |Pursue lead time reductions and reduced lead time variability through improved logistics practices. Seek use of technologies to identify logistics wait times | | |and unplanned delays. Consider use of a 3PL to become accountable for coordinating all Western Hemisphere logistics, negotiating with the major carriers to | | |reduce costs, pre-clearing all shipments through customs, etc. | | | | |6 |What is the ratio of internal manufacturing cost to purchased garment cost? | | | | | |Ratio, internal to external costs | | |275% | | | | | Internal $1,881 | | |External | | |$647 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |7 |Assuming a SGA rate of 24% and a gross margin of 35%, what annual revenue would you estimate for ABC? Show your calculations. | | | | | |[pic] | | | | |8 |What is ABCs net profit margin, in dollars and percent? | | | | |11% | | |$428 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |9 |What is ABCs profit leverage effect of reducing purchased item costs? How much additional revenue would be required to equal a 5% reduction in purchased | | |prices paid? | [pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5% of 1404 = $70 Million. So, reducing purchased costs by 5% reduces COGS and increases profit by $70M. To yield an equivalent increase through sales, sales must increase by ($70/. 35) = $200 Million (6%).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Top 10 Ways to Waste Time in College
Top 10 Ways to Waste Time in College College life is hard. As a student, you most likely balance your classes, homework, finances, a job, friends, a social life, a relationship, cocurricular involvement, and ten million other things all at the same time. Its no wonder, then, that you may need to just spend time, well, wasting time now and then. But how can you tell if youre wasting time in a productive or nonproductive way? 1. Social Media Productive uses: Catching up with friends, socializing, connecting with family and friends, connecting with classmates, relaxing in a fun way.Nonproductive uses: Gossiping, snooping out of boredom, obsessing over old friends or partners, getting information out of jealousy, trying to start drama. 2. People Productive uses: Relaxing, hanging out with friends, socializing, getting to meet new people, engaging in interesting conversations, experiencing new things with good folks.Nonproductive uses: Malicious gossip, looking for people to hang out with because youre avoiding a task, feeling like you have to be part of the crowd when you know you have other things to do. 3. The Internet Productive uses: Doing research for homework, learning about topics that are interesting, catching up on current events, looking into academic opportunities, looking for employment opportunities, booking travel to visit home.Nonproductive uses: Stumbling around just to keep boredom at bay, looking at sites you werent interested in in the first place, reading about people and/or news that have no connection or impact on your time in school (or your homework!). 4. The Party Scene Productive uses: Having fun with friends, letting yourself relax during the evening, celebrating a special event or occasion, socializing, meeting new people, building friendships and community at your school.Nonproductive uses: Engaging in unhealthy behaviors that impede your ability to do things like homework and going to work on time. 5. Drama Productive uses: Getting help for your friend or yourself during a time of need, connecting a friend or yourself to other support systems, building and learning empathy for others.Nonproductive uses: Making or being involved with drama that is unnecessary, feeling the need to fix problems that arent yours to fix and that cant be fixed by you anyway, getting sucked into drama simply because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. 6. Email Productive uses: Communicating with friends, catching up with family, contacting professors, exploring job or research opportunities, dealing with administrative offices (like financial aid) on campus.Nonproductive uses: Checking email every 2 minutes, interrupting work every time an email comes in, emailing back and forth when a phone call might better suffice, letting emails take priority over other things you need to do at your computer. 7. Cell Phone Productive uses: Communicating with friends and family, dealing with timely matters (like financial aid deadlines), calling to solve problems (like bank errors).Nonproductive uses: Texting every 10 seconds with a friend while trying to do another task, using your phone as a camera/video camera all the time, checking Instagram at bad times (in class, in conversation with others), always feeling like its the priority instead of your task at hand. 8. Movies and YouTube Productive uses: Using to relax, using to get into a mood (before a Halloween party, for example), just hanging out with friends, socializing, watching for class, watching a clip or two for fun, watching videos of friends or family, watching impressive feats or performances, watching snippets on a topic for a paper or project.Nonproductive uses: Getting sucked into a movie you didnt have time to watch in the first place, watching something simply because it was on TV, watching for just a minute that turns into 2 hours, watching videos that add nothing to your own life, using as an avoidance from the real work you need to do. 9. Video Games Productive uses: Letting your brain relax, playing with friends (near or far), socializing, learning about new games while meeting new people.Nonproductive uses: Losing sleep because youre playing too late at night, playing for too long when you have homework and other work to do, using video games as a way of avoiding the realities of your college life, not meeting new people because youre alone in your room playing video games too much. 10. Not Getting Enough Sleep Productive uses (are there really any?): Finishing a paper or project that took longer than expected, engaging with other students about something so exciting its worth missing a little sleep over, meeting a scholarship deadline, doing an activity instead of sleeping that truly enriches your college life.Nonproductive uses: Staying up too late on a regular basis, missing so much sleep that you arent functional during the time you are awake, having your academic work suffer, having your physical, mental, and emotional health suffer from lack of sleep.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Changing Gender roles,expectations, attitudes Essay
Changing Gender roles,expectations, attitudes - Essay Example And this choice is what marks itself as progressive in how gender roles are looked upon in modern times. A friend who was a recent divorcee prompted Judy Brady to attempt to answer the question why would anyone want a wife. â€Å"I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school, I want a wife to take care of my children,†(Brady, p.380). The wife is necessary for the man to ensure that harmony in accordance to how he perceives it is attained as he returns to the normal routine he is accustomed to. This accounts for the necessity and the convenience of having a wife in the pursuit of consensus within a traditional household before. Brady’s characterization of the wife as exemplified in her essay â€Å"Why I want a Wife†is quite point blank and resounding of the reality of the role of women in the family as the one who nurtures and oversees the overall welfare of the family. It is still widely read today, decades after its publication because it still contains a vast degree of reality even in today’s evolved modern life. There is the paradox of the woman who becomes a wife and evidently becomes a mother, who in the process loses her independence and consequent financial stability. The career of the woman is then compromised as she is delineated to the caring of the home and in ensuring the satisfaction of her husband. That a majority of women are classified as wives and as mothers (Brady, p.380). But years after this, as showcased in Glenn Sacks article, there is now a new category wherein the fathers take over what is usually a relative female role in the home. From the commonly accepted ‘setup’ where the wife cooks as the husband goes to work, the old definition of gender roles has now become loose. More and more women are now opting to have a career simultaneous with raising a family. There is though truth to what Sacks is saying regarding the real status of
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